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~Third person pov"

Philippines went to his room after he shower and dresses his self up philippines wear a black t-shirt and white and black stripe's pant

(A.N:Im bad at explaining so just imagine a black t-shirt with pant's)

Philippines then come out of the room and sit on the couch he feel like his forgeting someting but he cant remember what is it.


After a while his roomate come out of ther room fully dress phil then fish out his phone to see what time it is

"Ah shit.i forgot to charge my phone."he mummble he then got up and went to his bedroom to charge his phone

Poland left cuz he doest want to wait for phil any longer phil come out of his room and said "indo can we skip class today?"he ask "no i have a important quize today, but we can tomorow"ind o replide as he went to the front door.

'Look like im ganna skip alone then'philip thought he then came out of ther dorm and head to a nearby park at ther school


Philip arraive at the park he went to a nearby beach and watch the children play at the playground


After awhile of watching the children he saw a man dress in black like head to toe he wore a black hoodie with a black cap black pant's and black shoes he then signal a kid to come to him philip know not to judge a book by it's cover but kept watching the man said someting to the child with the child hesitent to then the man pull out a lollipop that's when phil knew someting was up so before the child take the candy philip interpt them

"Hi!hello,exuse me but do you know this child?"phil ask

"Uh.y-yeah!"the black man said phil look at the child the child then shake his head as a no

"I dont think so"phil said putting the kid behinde him

"Uhm im his dad old friend he j-just doest remeber me!"the man defended back

"So what the child name" phil ask

"H-his n-name i-is uh uh uhm um ah oh"the man trying to find the right word said

"A-arnt you suppose to be at school?!"the man shout

"See you dont know the kid know scram!"phil said as the man just run away phil smile at the kid and put him in the play ground again

"Now NEVER trust stranger's ok?"phil said as the kid nod's

"Im philippines but call me ili"phil said he prefer to be caled ili when it came to children

"Ok sir ili thank you"the kid said phil then walked away

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