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Thank you guys for over 1k I'm so happy!! I just wanted to point some things out really quick in case anybody was confused, I wanted to add some of Reapers internal dialogue to show her character development, she is a lot like Ghost in a sense that she is stone cold (reference to the title) this is me trying to show that she is coming out of her shell, mainly because of König. Ghost does like her, causes some awkward situations but he has the ability to be mature about it, Soap does not have the same level of maturity, quite the opposite. I will be getting into Shepherds betrayal very soon, and also I will explain in more detail why he wants Reaper dead.

Without further ado, warning- slight NSFW.

"Reaper!" Val calls out once you walk into the room.

"Val," you respond sarcastically.

Everyone else filed out of the room except Ghost, he stood in his dark little corner eyeing every single movement you or Valeria made.

"So figured out why Shepherd wants you dead?" She chuckles.

You stayed silent, hoping the secrets would come pouring out of her mouth like waterfalls of the unknown. Your eyes glared down upon her, more fiery than ever, they'd probably look like a portal straight to hell from anyone else's point of view.

"Okay then," Valeria says with a nervous look falling over her.

Silence overcame the room, you hoped you could intimidate her with silence. You hoped she would finally spill the secrets you desired.

"Like I said before, you got too close to his secret."

"That's not it," you growled, putting your hands on the arms to the chair and leaning in harshly.

"Alright you caught me," she says.

"Spill," you grumbled angrily, your voice was something unrecognizable to Ghost, it was like you had a switch, you were just on the couch sleeping a few moments earlier and now you were interrogating Valeria.

"He-he..." she replied dragging out her words to get an effect from you.

"Fucking talk."

"He wanted you dead because your parents wanted you dead. His secret was he's been working with your parents, giving them information on you, you know, your parents weren't just horrible abusers."

You felt your heart drop, they were still after you? You had so many questions, why did they still want to hurt you? Hadn't they done enough already? "Go on," you responded in a husk voice.

"Your parents didn't want you to mess up their reputation, so they contacted Shepherd, he was hesitant at first, but then they offered him money, so he figured the best way to do this was send you to task force, where he wouldn't have to deal with the pain of killing you himself, he could have the little informant running loose here do it for him."

"Well, she's fucking dead, so she can't do shit now."

Another pause occurred, it seemed as though Valeria was trying to piece together what she was going to say next, ultimately coming up with nothing.

"So that brings us to our next question, where is Hassan?"

"I can't tell you that," she smirks.

"You better fucking tell me, or I'll make what little time you have left on this world a living hell," you growled.

"Try me."

You swiftly grab your switchblade from your back pocket, which was conveniently left there after the mission. Putting the knife up to her neck she let out a gasp.

Stone Cold Crazy <König x fem reader fanfic>Where stories live. Discover now