Part 4

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Suisei use her right hand to pin Miko's hands above her head.

"If it's so hard for you to believe me, to notice me. I'll just make you do myself."

Suisei lean down and connecting their lips together again. She can feel the pressure in her shoulders. Miko, who's beneath her, is trying her best to push Suisei off her...again. Which is of course ended up failed again.

The kiss deepen as Suisei push their body together. She can feel the girl heart, beating loudly. She embarrassed? She scared? Not that she really care.

They broke the kiss for few sec to take a breath before Suisei connected their lips again. This time she licked Miko's lips. But Miko being Miko, she keep her mouth shut. Suisei use the other way to enter her mouth.

She bit Miko's lip so hard that it bled which made the girl gasp in pain and Suisei use this opportunity to shoved her tongue inside Miko's mouth. Her saliva drip down to their chin. She explore the girl mouth, not leaving her row of teeth. Licking as much as she can before she broke the kiss to take some breath.

She wipe her mouth with her sleeves while looking at the girl below her. Miko's panting, breathing air as much as she can. Her head hurts, she felt dizzy because she lack of oxygen. Suisei, not wasting more time, went to peck her cheeks, down to her jaw until her neck.

She bit her neck and continue to went down until she reached her collarbone. Suisei stop and look at Miko who's also stare back at her.

"Y-You're joking right? You're n-not gonna do it right?"

Without saying anything, Suisei move her hands and unbuttoning Miko's shirt. Miko's eyes went wide and quickly try push Suisei off her.

"W-Wait! Sui-chan! Wait! No! Yo-You can't!"

Suisei already unbuttoned the third button and her bosom can be seen. It's not small, but not that big either. But it is perfect for her. It's not like Miko's gonna show it to anyone else. And she will never allow it. She's the only who can see her body. No one can. Only her. Because Miko's hers.

"Hmm.. pink underwear, as expected from you."

Suisei touch her breast for a second. Feeling the soft meat that was covered with a piece of clothing.

"Sui-chan! Do-Don't touch me!"

Miko's face was red. She's embarrassed but also felt disgusted at how Suisei touch her, lusting her body. When the comet was about to unbuttoned the fourth button on her shirt, the door bell suddenly ring.

Suisei stop her action and turn her face to stare at the door behind her. The door bell rings again. But this time, Miko use the opportunity to push Suisei with all her might, quickly buttoned up her shirt.

She need to run. She need to open that door. She have to get away from the blue haired girl. Quickly!

Miko went to the front and open the door only to saw Pekora waiting outside with a worried face.


"Eh, yes it's me"

"Ah! Pekora! Please help-"

Before she can finish her sentence, she felt a presence behind her. She stop talking not because of her, but it is because of the sharp thing that being pressed behind her. Without being told, she knew what the comet meant by that.
'Don't you dare'

"Mikochi? Hm? Sui-chan?"

Pekora, who's in front of her, move a little bit closer, looking at Suisei who's behind her.

"Ah~ Pekora. Hello~"

"Ah, Hello, um what are you doing here? Btw are you okay Mikochi? You're sweating a lot."

Miko flinch. She have to do something. She have to say something! But nothing come to her mind. Does she have ask for help? She really do have to isn't she!? But Sui-chan is right behind her. What will she do if she told Pekora right now? Will she stab her? Is she gonna harm Pekora? Is she gonna kill both of them? Miko doesn't want that! She don't want her love one get hurt because of her!


"eh ah, huh? Ah, Pekora."

"Mikochi, are you okay?"

"... I'm okay.. ."

"I see."

They were silent for a moment.
Miko hate this. She can feel that Suisei is glaring at Pekora.

"Um, I think we all should come inside, I don't want to bother the neighbours."

After saying that, the sharp thing that has been push on her back dissappear. She let out a relief sigh. Suisei turn back and went inside meanwhile Miko wait until Pekora step inside and closed the door behind her.

Pekora sit on the sofa and Miko sit across her. Meanwhile Suisei went to the kitchen, making tea for the three of them. Pekora want to ask about why she suddenly end the call they had earlier but she had this feeling that its something that she shouldn't ask, for now. So she talk about another topic.

The weather, the upcoming stream, the plans for the future, the plan to go on a trip with the other members. She's so focused on talking that she didn't realise that Suisei is already sitting beside Miko. She only noticed the girl when she saw Miko face went pale.

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