Part 14

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It's dark. She can't see anything because her eyes got covered by some kind of clothes. Where is she? She turned her head around. Using her sharp ears and nose. She can't really hear anything and when she tried to sniff the place, this smell, it's weird, it smells like mud? She doesn't know but it really stinks. Where exactly is she? And how did she even get here? How? How...

Those smiles... those sharp stares. The delivery girl.. Those dark blue eyes, blue hair... who? Just who-

"Good evening, Mio-chan."

Mio broke into a cold sweat. She turned her head around to look at the source of voice. She can't see but she knows the owner of that voice.


" Yep, it's me. "

Mio gasps in disbelief.
"Sui-chan! Let me go! Why are you tying me up?!" she yelled at her. But then she remembered something.

"Is it because... I saw you.." before Mio could finish her words, a loud bang noise could be heard and she immediately squeaked.

''W-What is that noise? What are you doing?? "

Suisei ignores her question before bending down onto her knees as she watches Mio.

"You see, I don't want to do this to you either, it's just because you might tell the others about it so I had to tie you up like this." She said in a surprisingly calm voice like it was the right thing to do.

"Of course I would tell everyone about that! I mean, you're hurting Mikochi!!" Mio spat the truth as her mind was busy thinking.

'What the hell is wrong with this woman?! Is this the Sui-chan that I know??' She thought to herself.

Suisei takes off the clothes on Mio's eyes. Mio opened her eyes only to see a sharp knife pointed at her. She gulped down her saliva. Her body began to tremble.

"I am not hurting her! I am just giving her some punishment! I love her! But she won't choose me! That's why I do that to her, to make her realise who she belongs to!"

Suisei raised her voice as she said that. Mio can feel Suisei's breath become more heavy, it's like she was sick. Mio braced herself even though there's a knife on her throat.

"You're sick in the head, you know that!! Let me go before Fubuki finds you!" Mio glared at Suisei as she yelled.

She's in disbelief.
She's angry.
She's scared.
But the thing she felt the most is,
She was disappointed.
She didn't expect that Suisei would be crazy like this just because Miko didn't accept her.

Meanwhile Suisei is laughing as if Mio was saying some funny jokes.

"She's gonna save you? How? Isn't like she knows this place."
Suisei scoffed at her.

Before Mio could yell at her again, Suisei suddenly put 2 bowls in front of her. 1 contains water. The other one contains something kind of like food. Mio looked at Suisei in surprise.

"Don't tell me..."

"That's right, you have to live here for a few more days, maybe even months, or maybe forever since I'm waiting for the problem to quiet down. And I can't just leave you here alone that long without food and water right?" Suisei said to her while giving her a wink.

Mio was so devastated. She wanted to cry. How can she treat her like this? Aren't they friends? What happened to her? Why did she change so much?

Mio asked herself more and more. Thinking about what she needed to do to get out of this place. She looked around and realised that the place she's currently tied up in was abandoned. Then, she noticed Suisei place something on the ground. It's a big basin. Suisei looked at her for a moment before smiling devilishly.

"You see, this thing.." Suisei kicked the basin nearing her.

"Is your toilet.." she smiled at Mio.

Meanwhile, Mio looked at Suisei in disbelief. Her eyes went red from glaring too much but eventually she started to sob.

"H-how dare you! I'm also a human being!!" Mio yelled at Suisei who's just staring at her with a blank face.

"Oh? So would you prefer to dump your shit around eh? Don't wanna use the basin? Here I am trying to meet your needs." she said while faking crying.

Mio glared at her as she bit her lips, trying to control her emotions. Her cheeks were wet from her tears. She just wants to slap that face Suisei made. She can't believe that Suisei would treat someone like they're an animal!

"That's not the problem here! How dare you try to humiliate me! Let me go now! Or you might regret this!" Mio shouted at her.

Suisei raised her hand as she showed Mio's phone to her.

"Hah, isn't like you can call for help." Suisei said before throwing the phone somewhere inside the abandoned building. Suisei smirks as she begins to unchain Mio's hands.

"There you go. Well, I'm just trying to be nice here so you can feed yourself using your hands."

"You psycho!" Mio yelled as she stared at Suisei back who's leaving her here inside this abandoned building. She's not really sure if she's far away from the city but she can hear a car sound and a honking sound. It's like she's still in the city but not in the city she lived in.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She thought about her wife, Fubuki.

'Oh god, please let me out of here.'

She prays, and prays for someone, for her wife, to save her.


First of all.
I want to say that I'm sorry if this story is not really a MiComet. I supposed I need to change the storyline a bit but, I can't seems to think of anything.

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