Part 13

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Miko doesn't remember how she actually fell asleep but by the time she wakes up, there's Sora, AZki and Roboco.


Miko stretched out her hand and let out a low noise but the three people who's busy discussing something quickly took notice of her. They looked at her and gave her a smile.

"Hi, you're awake. Did you feel dizzy? Did you feel hurt anywhere?"

Miko shakes her head.

"I'm fine."

"Good, you can go home in a few hours." Sora said as she helped Miko get up. The moment Miko sit on her bed, Roboco quickly hugged her followed by AZki and Sora.

"I'm glad you're okay. If there's something bothering you, you can always ask us to help you. We're 1 unit after all."

Miko was in tears and tightened her grip. She gave them a weak nod while sniffling a bit. When they loosen the hug, the three of them quickly laugh at Miko who's currently making a funny face because she's trying to hold back her tears. They talk for a few minutes and there's a knock on her ward door followed by a woman's voice. Turned out it was just a nurse who was giving her the medicine she needed. Realising it's already time for her to be discharged, she went to the side of her bed, wanting to pack up her belongings like her clothes, pyjamas and all of her essentials.

To her surprise, there's nothing on the floor except for her handbag on the table. Where the hell is her clothing bag? Someone stole it? There's no way that can be. Did she go crazy or something for thinking something impossible like that? Roboco, who understands what Miko's thinking, puts her hand on Miko's shoulder.

"Ah, about your things, Sui-chan already put it inside the car."

"Eh? Whose car? Sui-chan didn't have a car."

"Her sister is."

"I see."

'Ah... I thought she already left, turns out she's just outside huh.' Miko thought to herself.

Sora, who clapped her hands together, woke her up from her thoughts. Sora smiled at all of them and said,

"It's time. Let's go. We need to sign for your discharge."

They all nod their head and make their way to the first floor. Miko heads to the nurse behind the counter while the others wait outside. Miko nervously looked at the nurse who's just casually doing her job before getting her attention by tapping her finger on the counter. The nurse noticed her and smiled so she smiled back.

"The doctor said I'm getting discharged today. My name is Sakura Miko."

"Oh? Miko-san,please wait a minute... Ah here."

She took out a piece of paper and told her which part she needed to sign and all. Miko was so busy signing that she didn't realise a certain someone was behind her. Miko looks back at the nurse.

"What about this one?"

"Ah, that one, your family or your friend needs to sign that one to confirm you are getting discharged today."

"I-I see..."

Miko was about to turn around but she got surprised that there's suddenly a two big hand creeped beside her and stole the paper on the counter along with a cheerful voices the girl behind her said,

"Oh, let me sign it then" she said and smiled which made the nurse blush a bit. Miko ducks out from the embrace. She doesn't want to stay close with the comet. The nurse fakes a cough before asking Suisei about her relationship with Miko. The shrine maiden was about to say that they're friends but Suisei quickly cut her off by saying
"She's my girlfriend."

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