Part 20

290 14 5

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If you saw a word with a small number beside it,
For example;
It means that there's a note about those words or sentences at the bottom of the chapter.
OK, enjoy.

Knowing that the blue haired girl in front of her surely will not let her pass to go to the bathroom, Miko tears her T-shirt sleeve before wrapping the piece of clothes on her injured palm. She can't believe the person in front of her used to be her friend. Just how and when did her personality change!?

Miko sent a glare at Suisei as she bit her lips, she couldn't contain her anger anymore so she yelled at the comet girl.

"Ugh.. You--you deserve being locked up inside a jail!"

Triggered by this, Suisei gripped the knife tighter before throwing it to scare Miko.

"What did you just say?"

Slowly, she moves her feets one after another, getting closer to the shrine maiden girl, who's currently on the floor, holding her injured hand.

"I dare you to say it again."

Miko really can't take it anymore. She doesn't want to shrink back to the floor, she doesn't want to be a coward, she wants to get out of here, she needs to fight back, she needs to be brave, and that's exactly what she did.

"I said, you fucking deserve to get arrested and rot in jail for the rest of your life!" her voice was full of thorns as she said that. Oh how she hates this person in front of her right now. Her eyes are burning with rage, and so did Suisei's as she was shocked by Miko's unexpected bravery.
Seeing Miko's sudden outbursts, Suisei can't help herself from laughing out loud. Miko was so shocked to see Suisei laughing that it actually showed on her face.

'Has she gone crazy?' Is what Miko's thought at first but then she shakes her head. 'This girl is crazy from the start.' She can't help herself from thinking that this might be another wave of Suisei craziness.

"You really surprised me, Mikochi."

Suisei let out a sigh.

"But you really need to know that you really crossed the line now."

And just like that, Suisei lifts her right leg all up and high before stomping down on Miko's injured hand with all her might. Mikochi ended up letting out a high pitched scream.


Tears formed in her eyes as she tried to lift Suisei's foot with her other hand.


Miko punches, and punches, and punches Suisei's right legs, again, again, again which only make Suisei grind her foot harder to Miko's palm. Red blood spilling out of her palm and dirtying the floor. Miko can't describe how hurt her hand truly was. Reaching out to Suisei's leg, the shrine maiden opened her mouth wide before biting down on Suisei leg. She uses so much force that her teeth literally pierce into Suisei's flesh, drawing out a fresh iron taste like into her mouth.


Suisei retracted her legs back as she felt the pain. There, she saw a bite mark, with blood running down on her legs. Miko on the other hand, spit the blood on her mouth to the floor.

"You little shit-"

Miko can feel Suisei's rage when suddenly the comet girl grabs her by her hair before yanking upwards.


"You dare to bite me!? You really don't want me to act nice to you huh!"

Suisei was about to lay a punch to Miko's face when suddenly there's knock on the door, with a familiar.

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