Part 6

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Miko looked at the mirror in front of her and saw the hickeys that Suisei make last night. She let out a big sigh.

"I've got not choice then."

Miko started to wash up. For some reason, her body felt really heavy today but she quickly shrugged it off and went to the bedroom after drying her hair.

"Hm... If I wore a turtleneck, it's gonna get hot later. But the collar shirt is not gonna cover all of it."

Miko look around her room. Searching for a things that can help her to hide the hickey on her neck. If she wore the collar shirt just like that and went to the office, the staff and other members surely gonna notice the bright red mark.

Then her gaze stop on the black thingy that's on her drawer. A choker. This choker is a gift from Suisei on her birthday stream. That day, she asked Suisei about why did she give her such a thing since she didn't like to wear a choker that much. It felt really stuffy when she wear it and it feels uncomfortable.

But now when she saw it. Oh how thankful she was to Suisei for giving her this. Only for a moment tho because its reminds her of last night. Well, it's a 'choker' after all. She can't really complain about it because she don't really have any choice but to wear it. She wear a dark gray collar shirt to match the black choker and start doing her hair. Before going out, she took some pills with her. Just in case.


"That's all for our special unique dancing challenges today! Thank you for our members here, Nekomata Okayu, Inugami Korone, Sakura Miko, Usada Pekora, Hoshou Marine and Shirogane Noel for showing your unique dance! I'm your today host, Shirakami Fubuki and-"

"-Ookami Mio! Thank you for staying with us until the end. Bye bye~~"

"Bye bye~"

After saying goodbye to their listeners, the streaming is off and all of them started to relaxed their bodies and said, "Thank you for your hard works" to the staff and others.

The other members are doing their own things like drinking water and chatting with each others. But for Miko, this whole situation is making her dizzy. It's way too noisy. Her head can't take it anymore so she decide to get up and wash her face in the bathroom. When she got up from her seats, she suddenly felt lightheaded and her legs felt weak. Before she know it, she already on the floor.

Pekora, who's sitting next to her immediately went to her side while calling her name. She had a worried expression on her face. She doesn't like that one bit. She want to said that she's okay. Pekora doesn't have to panic like that. But somehow she can't voice it out. Her throat hurts. Her body feels hot. Like she's burning. She hate this.

She can't see clearly but she can hear someone calling her name. Not just someone, it's everyone who's inside the studio. But the only person she focus on is that one person. Her crush. Her worried face. Her panic face but it's not long until the darkness take over her.

Pekora noticed that the person on her arm is not moving so she panicked even more but Noel quickly calm her down. Fubuki who's beside them place her hand on top of Miko forehead.

"Hot! Eh!? Mikochi is burning! She has a fever! Noel! Quickly take her to the infirmary!"

Without waiting any seconds, Noel take Miko from Pekora's arm and carry her to the infirmary while the other follows behind her. It just so happens that Choco just finished her meeting that time, she quickly went to the infirmary to checked on Miko when Fubuki call her.

After getting there, she quickly took out the necessary items to checked on Miko. She then told the others to waited outside since she doesn't want anyone get infected so all of them agree and waited outside. To measure her temperature, she needs to put the thermometer on Miko's armpit so she unbutton the collar and removed the choker, then she saw a quite disturbing mark that has a dark purple colors around Miko's neck. She speechless.

"Did... did she tried to- but that's not possible since she's not that kind of person..."

She touched the marks and examine is once again and saw a red one. A mosquito? Wait. No. This is- Then it clicked her. It's a hickeys.

"It's not her. That thing.. is definitely a hickey. Then maybe... someone choke her? B-But why? Who would-"

"Choco-sen? Are you done yet? Can we come in?"

She panicked a little before answering it.

"Not yet. Please wait a little bit more. Will be done in a second."


She quickly put the thermometer on Miko armpit. When the thing start beeping, she take it and check the status.

"It's way too high."

She went outside and tell the other to call an ambulance. When the ambulance arrived, the medical operator brought her inside the ambulance. Choco-sen and Miko's manager also went inside the ambulance. Pekora want to come to but she can't since there's no seat left. She felt disappointed in herself for not noticing Miko's condition sooner. It's weird enough for her to wear a choker but she shrugged it off and not asking about it when she saw her earlier this morning.


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Here a short manga I made for miComet

Here a short manga I made for miComet

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