Part 8

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Choco can sense Suisei gaze on her back. She doesn't know why but she get a goosebumps all over her bodies. She paid it not mind since there's something more important she needs to do.

"I'm not sure what the caused of this. And earlier when the doctor is checking her, he said she had a fever because she overworked herself."

"I see"

"Wait, did the doctor said anything about her bruise? Maybe they know the cause of it?" ask Pekora.

"Doctor said, it might be possible for her to do it to herself which it's why the doc said that someone need to be with her to check on her so that she didn't do it again. And of course I didn't believe that Miko will do something like this to herself-" before Choco can finish her sentences, Azki beat her to it.

"-So someone have to stay here after she discharged?"

"Yes, that's right."

Choco only can think of two people who's willingly to stay with Miko. Pekora and Suisei. But doctor said only 1 person is allowed. miComet bonds is so much stronger than MikoPeko but for some reason she feels like it must- no it's has to be Pekora who's taking care of Miko. Suisei is like- she just can't really trust her for some reason. Her behaviour is also weird today.

"Then, can I-"

"I'll take care of her. She's my business partner and she's my bestfriend. I'm willing to stay with her until she get discharged."

All of them looked at Suisei who's taking a few step forwards to Miko.

"Are you sure? What about your upcoming streams?" Roboco place her hand on Suisei shoulder.

"Tell them I'm gonna take a few days off. I'll apologise to my fans later."

Everyone went silent, shocked at Suisei decision.

"Um... are you sure?"


Knowing how stubborn this girl can be, Sora only sigh and nod her head.


"Eh? Sora-chan?"

Azki who's standing beside her make a confused face.

"Yeah, let her be. You know we can't persuade her right? I'll tell Yagoo about this. And guys, do make a reasonable excuse to tell the others about this."

Since they can't really think of anything, they agree with her. But not for Choco. She still debating with her head at how weird Suisei is today.
She's weird
→She's way too calm.
She's also kinda normal/okay →She's willingly to stay with Miko.

It's only last for a moment before she excuse herself to buy some drinks for them with Pekora who's offered herself to go help her carry the drinks. They both walked quietly in the corridor. Nothing interesting to chat about with each other. They use the elevator to go to the ground floor where there's the counter, the rest area for visitors and a vending machine. Inserting a coin, they push a drinks for theirs friend.
Pekora bend down to take the cans and bottles out of the vending machine and that's when Choco open her mouth and-

"It doesn't feel right."

Pekora, still bending, looked at Choco who's standing in front of vending machine beside her and asked

"What is?"



"Don't you notice how calm she is when she entered the room. But the most weird is she doesn't even react when I showed 'it' "

After stuffing the cans and bottles into her bag, she stand up and started walking away. Choco quickly stuffed her bag with cans and bottles before following Pekora and walked side by side with her. There's a lot of people in this area, whether they're looking for their friends or family or loved one ward. Maybe they just was about to go home. Some of them is resting, some of them is panicking. Just like how she panicked when Miko's suddenly fainted in front of her.

"She was there"


"The day before this happened, the practice is already over, we went to the change our clothes. That time Mikochi looks cheery, lively and there's nothing on sort on her body. But later that night, when I was calling her, the line suddenly cut off."

As they went inside the elevator with some stranger. She stopped talking. A 'ding' sound can be heard and they went out the elevator and once again, they walked in a long white corridor.

"I was worried so I went to her house even thought I already arrived at my house-"

"Ohoho as I expected from you, you went running to your crush huh."

A light blush creep on Pekora face while the blond beside her is giggling.

"Oh hush, don't tease me! I'm trying to be serious here"

"Haaha sorry sorry. It's just the wrinkle in your eyebrow doesn't suit you."

"Yeah yeah. So like I said, I went to her house."

They arrived in front of Miko's ward door. Pekora put her hand on the knob but didn't do anything. She just let her hand stay there.

"I ring the doorbell and few seconds after that, Mikochi open the door with pale face and there she is-"

Pekora move her hand back when she feels the doorknob is moving. And surely enough, the door is opened by-

"-smiling behind her." she finish her sentences while glaring at Suisei who's standing in front of her for a sec before relaxing her expression. Meanwhile Choco only stand there, watching the bunny and the comet staring at each other.

"Who smiled behind who?"

Pekora smiled before answering her.

"Nothing, just telling some old stories to Choco-sen here."

Suisei glance at them for a second before open the door wide enough for them to enter.

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