Part 5

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She's so focused on talking that she didn't realise that Suisei is already sitting beside Miko. She only noticed the girl when she saw Miko face went pale.

"Mikochi? Are you okay? Your face is really pale right now."

Miko's only smile at Pekora and replied "R-Really? Ngh.. I-I guess I'm really t-tired from today d-dancing practice."

She knew that Pekora didn't believe that. But she can't just straight away said that Suisei is groping her butt right now. Pekora maybe will take action or maybe not believe her. Will she take it as a jokes? Some dirty joke?

Then, what's she supposed to do!? Telling Yagoo? Telling about it to A-chan? Telling about this to Pekora? She don't know. She don't want her precious business partner who's she think as family get banned from hololive.

But on the other hand, if she didn't tell anyone about it, Suisei will continue this act, she scared. Suisei look at her in sexual way. She scared that her virginity will be taken. Or maybe just not that. Look how Suisei threatened and choke her without any hesitation! She might die if she stay with her!

She don't know. She don't know what to do anymore. She's tired. She don't know which decision is the better. Telling the truth or staying like this. She just scared that her precious and important friends get hurt. She's tired. Why is this happening to her?

She didn't know for how long she's been on her thought but when Suisei called out to her, she realize that she has been leaning on Suisei shoulder.

"Mikochi? Are you really okay?"

Pekora, once again with a worried face, approach her. When she's about to touch Miko's cheeks, Suisei slap her hand away. Because of Suisei action, Pekora look at both of them, confused.

"Pekora, Mikochi is too tired. I think we should left and let her rest. You can went out first, I'll carry her to her bedroom."

Miko started to panic. She stare at Pekora.

'Please don't let me be alone with this person. Oh god, Please help me.'

Pekora, who's kinda understand Mikochi thought, said "Eh, let me help-"


Pekora went silent. She never saw Suisei make this expression before. She feel really uneasy. She doesn't want her crush be alone with Suisei. Her instinct is telling her to not to let Mikochi be alone with her.

Her instinct is telling her to snatch her. Take her away from the comet. But there's also part of her instinct that's telling her to run away. Run far, far away from this person. But she already made her decision.

"No no no, I'll help. I'm gonna help" said Pekora while helping Miko getting up. She help Miko going the the bedroom with Suisei following behind them.

After she carefully lay Miko on her bed, the pink haired girl force a smile and said,

"Uh, thank you. I-I think you two should go. I-Its getting late."

Pekora stare at her for a moment. Wondering if she really have to leave. After staring for a while, she let out a sigh and was about to left the room but immediately stop.

"Sui-chan, aren't you coming too?"

"Ah? You can go first I have something to say to Mikochi."

She doesn't really want to make things more complicated and stressed Mikochi, so she just quietly left the room. When there's only the two of them inside the room, Suisei started to warning Miko.

"Don't you dare telling her about this. If you do... I think you know what will happen yes?"

Miko can't do anything and only nod her head. Suisei smirk, get up and kiss Miko's forehead. If it's not for their current situation, this can be count as a romantic scene that can make her heart goes doki-doki. Well, her heart is currently beating so fast right now, though is not because she embarrassed, but because the person right in front of her.

"I'll be going then. Take care and make sure to rest. Love you."

And just like that Suisei left the room. Miko let out a loud sigh before started to crying.


Suisei went outside the house with a smile but it quickly fade out when a voice called out to her.

"Why did it take you so long to get out of the house?"

"I thought you were already going back home."

"Answer my question first."



"I just had something to say to her. Like, 'take care of you health' and 'drink more water' also 'ate a healthy food, don't eat taiyaki so often' something like that."

She can't grasp this feelings. She can feel that there's something wrong. There's something more than that for sure. She knows that she can't just keep things like this.

The two of them walking down the stairs. After saying goodbye to each other, she watch Suisei slowly disappear from her sight. She turned around to look at Miko's apartment door for a while before started walking home.

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