Chapter 10 - History

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A/N: Alrighty guys, after an action-packed chapter, it's time to get into some of the drama in this story. We need some more development, and I've been eager to do some chemistry if you know what I mean >:) Don't worry, I won't rush them straight into "I love you" hehe, but the attraction will be undeniable.

Time to meet someone new... or old? Not sure how I'd put that. Let's just find out.

Enjoy! Thank you for your votes ;) we're almost at 1,000 readers in just under two weeks and I couldn't have done it without you all.

Chishiya's POV

I get a notification on my phone and my heart has already calmed from the adrenaline rush I just experienced.

"Game cleared. Congratulations!"

The lasers confining us on the track disappear.

I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for Karma's knife.

It gets hot so I swipe my hood off of my head and my hair blows in a calm wind.

We would have been even if I didn't return the favor.

She still owes me. And I'm going to use that.

While she was running for her life, I tased the guy that was chasing her when he passed by my safe-zone. When he was on the floor I lodged a dagger in his heel.

The man was too fixated on killing Karma to even think about attacking me.

Human emotions betray us in such interesting ways.

I walk towards the center of the field to collect the card as everyone returns to the bleachers. Once I have the card in my pocket, I decide to confront Karma.

Why would she help me?

Ahh, to save herself.

If the boys had killed me, she would have been hunted next. Well, she was hunted next but running from one hunter is better than three.

Regardless, I will thank her. Her deed contributes to my beating heart.

I approach Karma, nearing the bleachers and see a long, clean cut on her thigh. I look up to her in question and she simply shrugs.

We need to clean that. It could get infected.

Okay. Thank her.

Thank you, I don't say.

"I-" appreciate your help out there, but you still owe me.

I was going to say before I'm rudely interrupted.


It's the guy I tased.

That's not good. It was nothing personal, really. He would have done the same if he had to. Kudos to him for making it out alive, though.

I'm curious.

I clench my jaw and lower my head, keeping my eyes on the man.

I raise the corner of my mouth, offering him a playful smile.

He doesn't seem to have any interest in getting revenge on me as his eyes divert from me to the back of Karma's head.

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