Chapter 18 - Prophet

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A/N: Hey guys! How's life? I'm excited to say that we're nearing phase two of the story, just a few more chapters to go.

It's taking everything in me not to spoil anything, but just know that what I have planned gave me a heart attack ;)

Sorry I'm so late, school comes first hehe.

On to the story! Thank you for your support <3

Chishiya's POV

I feel betrayed.

No matter how much I tell myself that caring for someone other than myself is a death wish, I can't help but give a shit about her.

I can't even rationalize my care for her to make it go away, even though I know it could get me killed.

I've betrayed myself.

I stare at the moon, which is full tonight. It gives off a dim, peaceful light that embraces the world around us.

Perhaps Kuina can assist me in my situation. They're close, so maybe she can sway Karma away from me.

Deep down I don't want that.

Karma also blackmailed me so it's not really an option.

How could she be so smart and so stupid? She knows that feelings are dangerous and cause vulnerability.

She laughed when I confronted her, though. Maybe this is all a joke, and I've been fooled.

I applaud you, Karma. You've manipulated the manipulator.

We lay in a parking spot under the stars, listening to a mix of techno music.

I sneak a look at her and her eyes are closed, but her head is rocking to the beat. I can't let her in on the plan, so I lied in my letter.

Originally, I was going to use her to steal the cards. That way she'd get caught at the fake safe, allowing me to gain the trust of the new leader. Then, I'd find the real safe.

I'm not willing to sacrifice her.

I can't explain it, but the thought of harm coming to her deeply bothers me.

She turns her head to look at me, but this time I don't look away.

It's only for tonight.

She asked if we could pretend like feelings don't matter, like they're not a weakness. I wonder would happen if that was the case.

As if I'm capable of it.

Regardless, after tonight, we can move on like nothing happened.

It's only pretend.

Locking eyes with her makes me feel so exposed, like she can see right through my facade. Maybe she can tell how little I truly am.

Don't give in.

I can't look away.

Karma's POV

I catch Chishiya watching me when I turn to sneak a glance at him. Seems he beat me to it.

He wasn't even trying to be sneaky, and his eyes remain locked with mine.

The more time I spend with these people, the more I get attached. This is exactly what I wasn't supposed to do.

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