Chapter 12 - Know Your Place

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A/N: Hiya, I hope you're enjoying. We've got one more chapter and we're back in action! Thank you for reading <3

I need songs to learn on piano, any recommendations?

Karma's POV


Dude why are you so obsessed with me? You couldn't wait to be rid of me before.

Ronan stands in front of me right as I'm about to approach the three recruits. He's wearing a dark green swimsuit.

I don't know why he thought wearing my favorite color would do anything.

"Who let you in here?"

He smirks and crosses his arms. I notice the tag on his wrist is 317, meaning he's newly recruited.

Don't tell me he's one of the four recruits.

"That's not very welcoming of you, Ace." He swallows, keeping his head high. I internally gag, but secretly remain grateful for the status I have here. He can't fuck with me.

"Welcome. Now excuse me." I try to shove past him and am pulled back by a hand on my wrist.

"Wait, Karma, we need to talk."

Some people around us stop partying and look scared, waiting to see my next move.

Others even look ready to jump him for me. All it would take is a click of my tongue.

I look at my hand then glare at him dead in the eyes, cocking the corner of my lip before yanking my wrist out of his grip.

"You have nerve-"

He cuts me off but I don't let that stop me from walking.

"Your family never survived the bombing! I don't know if anyone told you or if you even heard them during your coma, but they're all gone. Your mom, dad, Kaito, they're gone. " He says from behind me, just before I can walk away.

Oh, right.

He doesn't know that I literally witnessed their deaths here.

Huh. I told the beach executives that my mom was ill, and now they're going to hear I was in a coma.

I can always play off like it was the last I remembered before waking up in a hospital bed. That should work.

If they ask I'll tell them that.

I turn around and look at Ronan in 'disbelief'. Now's the time to let my emotions spill. Although I'm already recovering from it, to him this is the first time I'm hearing it.

Do I cry? Do I get mad?

Well, denial is the first step.

"You're lying," I turn back around and walk away, towards the people I'm here for.

I hear him angrily sigh despite the blended noise of the crowd, but I don't turn around.

When I reach the three recruits, they're all sitting at an outdoor couch and discussing theories on what this place could be.

"Hello, welcome to The Beach. I'm Karma, but here I'm known as Ace." I sound way more bored than I planned to, maybe even irritated.

I just smiled and waved at them, like, thirty seconds ago. They must think I'm bipolar.

They all look up at me, then to each other, then one of the guys speaks up. He's the guy who helped clear the five of spades game.

The brave one.

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