Chapter 29 - Nerve

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A/N: hey guys! Sorry I took so long, school comes first, but you know that lol :)

To address some questions lol yes the blimp did fall, but not directly on the hospital area they were at (hospitals can be very big). Also!! Yes, Chishiya x Karma is going to make some progress soon, just no spoilers hehe.

QOTD: Can anyone come up with an official ship name? Hehe.


Karma's POV

We run far and fast, and we don't look back.

The gunshots from behind us that chipped at the streets we trailed have now halted and we pray we aren't being pursued.

My hairdo was falling out, so I had to take out my ponytail to avoid risking losing the hair tie.

We come to a heavily shadowed alleyway and stop for a breath. It's rundown and signs that used to be lit with life now hang lifeless. The high walls are decorated with vandalism and darkness hides behind the doors along the alleyway.

Chishiya, for whatever reason, isn't out of breath at all, and Ryu is heavily alert. Her head snaps in the direction of any sound.

None of us have proposed a plan or an idea of what to do next.

My usually focused head is clouded with worry for Kuina and the others and I will never forgive Vance for the danger he put us in, especially if Kuina dies due to his stupidity.

I will myself back into the present.

She'll be fine. I count on.

I have to tell myself that for the sake of survival.

Ryu peeks her head around the corner of one of the buildings, looking out to the open street and city and she looks back at us with relief in her eyes.

"I take it he's given up then," Chishiya looks slightly smug. His hands enter his pockets as usual and he looks around at the litter-filled alley we stand in.

"We need to get to another game," Ryu says, her eyes clearly unfocused and stressed. She runs her hands through her hair, detangling a few strands with her fingers.

I look between the two of them and shift my gaze with uncertainty in deep thought. Ryu's back against a cement wall from one of the buildings hiding us and Chishiya moves his hoodie to cover his head.

His eyes are fixed on me.

"Well, queen of intellect..." he closes the space between us, causing me to step back into a wall. His hands are still in his pockets, but he stands inside my bubble.

Not that I mind it.

"Where to now? Prove to us that you're with us."

It takes another level of self control to maintain my composure and face him with the same confidence I usually present in myself. I raise my chin slightly, yet his slightly-narrowed gaze is still piercing.

Unraveling me.

"Christ, you two, we're running from a maniac with a FUCKING GUN!" Ryu, whisper-yells.

"Why do you think I'm asking the citizen for help?" Chishiya turns to look at her, slightly tilting his head.

Ryu's mouth is gaped and she scoffs, nodding in disbelief.

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