Anonymous Love - SMii7Y × Fem!Reader

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Not Requested

Code Name: Agent Omega

She/Her Pronouns


SMii7Y's POV

Pushing my ID card against the small black box, three circles lighting up to indicate the validity of it. I drag the door open slowly, entering and slowly closing it behind me. Stepping down the corridor towards the main meeting room, anxiety riddling my mind over the urgent request for my presence. I adjust my suit jacket, buttoning it up at the front, ensuring my tie is presentable and finger-combing my hair back. As I enter the room hastily, I tuck my card into my left pocket, briefcase in my right hand. I pull open the chair I was instructed to sit at, leaving the case on the floor and hidden under the table. Pulling my chair closer, I rest my arms on the table with my fingers interjoined. One vacant chair was remaining, but the rest of the team dismissed it, so I do the same.

"Thank you all for coming so swiftly," the manager begins, stood at the head of the table, arms crossed and glancing around the room, "We have been informed of a high-risk target who we have had an eye on for a while. The plan is simple: two agents undercover at this Masquerade party, aquire intel on the target and her business, then take her out." As his sentence came to an end, a unknown woman strolled leisurely into the meeting, unphased that the spokesperson had already begun. "Nice of you to join us, Agent Omega."
"Agent BP, count yourself lucky I even arrived." she snaps back snarkily, causing him to rub his with his finger and thumb underneath his glasses. My eyes stay fixated on her as she lowers into her seat, the one I spotted earlier.

"As I was saying, this event will begin at 7:30pm tonight at the Frouse Hall in the center of the city. The two agents I have appointed to this task is Agent Omega, and Agent S7." My codename being spoken pulls my attention back to BP, as he continues listing the team out. "Agent GZ and B, you will be on the intercom to S7 and Omega, as well as watching over them as they scope out the arena. K, you will sort their equipment, and their outfits. That is all, thank you. Omega and S7, stay behind."

Staying in my spot, I inspect the actions of Omega, detailing her features. A loose, short-sleeved shirt hung from her shoulders, light blue in colour, and buttoned up to the almost top. The bottoms of the shirt were tucked into a navy blue set of trousers, I was unable to determine the cut from my position in my chair. Her deep brown hair was brushed into loose bun on the back of her head, black rimmed glasses resting on top of her head. She caught my focus on her, smirking to me with malicious intent - I could tell she will bring it up later, as I swiftly turn my head back to BP. He scoops his hair out of his face with his fingers, the stress of the situation getting to him. He takes a seat at the head of the table, dragging a vacant seat from the side.

"Right, you two." A thin cylinder in his hands clicked, the screen behind him lighting up to a slide, "This is the Target, Mrs Ackerman, if you haven't seen her before. This event is hosted by her partner, and it is a Masquerade, so you will be given a pair of masks with your selected outfits. You will need to present as a young couple, so unfortunately Omega, but you are required to wear a dress." She grunts, I could sense her rolling her eyes, "Look, I wanted to ensure that you were aware that you can not reveal your true identities to each other. You are Agent S7, and you are Agent Omega, whoever you are outside of this work place does not clash with this, got it? I'm done, go see K."

Nodding my head before hastily leaving the room, I hold the door open to my new partner, her completely dismissing me entirely, as we stride towards K's office. Clicking her knuckles against the door, the scruffy male pulls the door open, allowing us both inside. I take a seat by his desk, while she stays stood up despite many vacant seats in the room. "Thankfully, I got a heads-up before the meeting, so y'all just need to try them on and I'll show you how they work," he barely grins, opening the other door inside the room, entering a mini storage space. Two metal coathangers clicking off the bar echoes out of the storage room, with him returning. One coathanger to you, the other to Omega. The man leaves again, audibly scavenging through the room.

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