Arms - Grizzy × Reader

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Not Requested
They/Them Pronouns
CW: Panic Attacks, Talk of Physical & Emotional Abuse - Please be careful when reading, and do not read when in a bad place.


Clutching onto your arms, digging your nails in, your mind is clouded over with a personal thunderstorm. Trying to tame it was demanding enough without the pressures of hiding it. The world felt like it was collapsing underneath the bed your body was curled up on, the bedsheets soaking up the river pouring out of your eyes. Silence was deafening. You knew what could help you in this time of trouble, yet he was too far away to reach, and too busy to disturb. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Lack of control. Memories relapsing in your mental vision.


Feet kicked up onto the coffee table, scrolling through the main three apps downloaded on your phone: Instagram, Twitter, Reddit. The television was on quietly, set on a random channel you thought would be interesting. Your head was propped up against a small pillow, a pastel yellow case covering the insert, matching the mint green covers on main sofa cushions. It was roughly 5:47pm, as you had returned home from work about twenty minutes ago, and you had some time to yourself. However, you remembered you had struggled to sleep last night, feeling your body slip into a short coma.


Stinging erupts on your cheek, jolting your body up suddenly and falling onto the floor. Adrenaline fills your veins from the shock, as you glare deep into the culprits eyes. "What was that for?" you question loudly, which was responded to with silence. You sigh, clutching your hands into fists as you stand from the ground. "What the fuck was that for?"
"Why the fuck are you asleep?"
"Because maybe I was tired! Why else would I be sleeping?"
"I told you no naps during the day, will you ever fucking listen to me?"
"Maybe if you stopped shouting, then I will!"

Another hit, this time with his own fist. You collapse back onto the sofa, attempting to hold your body up with the little strength you had left. Glancing up at him, he smirks, pushing you even further away with his foot, rolling your body along even more. "Go put away the shopping. Now." He storms out of the room. Regaining stability, you lunge for your phone that fell from your hands after passing out, clutching onto it like your life depends on it - pressing the call button and hunting down the last contact you called.


Ring. Ring. Ring. Silence. "Hello?"
"Nelson, help."
"Y/N? I'm coming over now, hold on tight for me. If you can, pack some bags."


The silence consumes your attempts at calming everything. Hair poking out everywhere, tears stained on your cheeks, your attire ruined by the traumatised brain inside your skull. The blanket rested beneath you, drops of salty water dotted around you. Sunlight attempted to slip into the room, but the curtains prevented it, locking out the world around you. Clutching onto a pillow, you smother your face into it, attempting to block the negative thoughts and compose yourself for when he returns: you know that you need to hide this from him, he has no idea how much it still effects you after a year. Face still covered, you begin patting your hair down to seem more presentable, struggling with a few stragglers as they refuse to co-operate.

The door creaks open, you throw the end of the duvet up suddenly, hiding your entire body with it in panic. A chuckle fills the room, before a weight pushed itsself down onto the mattress beside you. Holding the blanket down, you stayed silent, reminding yourself that he can not find out. "Y/N?" he asks peacefully, "It's almost three o'clock. You're never in bed for this long, is something wrong?" You shake your head, denying the truth puffing out of his house. His next words told you he was smiling to himself, "No problems, huh? What if I just lift this up-" You nailed the duvet down with your hands, refusing to budge. "So, there is something up. We've been together for a while now, you know you can tell me anything."
"You'll judge me," you quietly sob out, "And you'll laugh because of how pathetic I am."
"Boo, you're not pathetic just because you're having a hard time." The petname lingers in your mind, tempting you to lift the covers up and allow him to assist.

The first time seeing his face this morning, a gentle smile resting on his lips with curls of hair hanging down around his face, one close to his eye. His glasses were on, framing his face slightly as you gazed into his eyes, no light reflection stopping you. "Would you like a hug?" he questions, disrupting your day dream. Cautiously, you nod, wrapping your arms around his stomach, sinking into his chest. His upper limbs suffocated your fears as they were led over your back in attempt to soothe your mind.

"I can't get him out of my head. It hurts, why did I even love him when all he did was hurt me?" The man above lacks a reaction, his hand caressing your back calmingly.
"He tricked you into believing you couldn't survive without him, that 'nobody else would let you stay with them'. You don't love him anymore, and you're not with him anymore, so that's the important thing."
"I should have called you sooner."
"That kind of strength you had that day to disobey his orders was amazing, not many people could do that, and it's one that would take a long time to grow. You called in the end, that's all that matters. Any of the guys would have answered, you know that, and they would have let you stayed at their house." You sigh, drenching his t-shirt in tears, you know he doesn't mind. He pauses, recollecting his thoughts.

"I'm sorry," you break the ten minute silence, "It still haunts me to this day, the whole time I was with him..." your words trail off, along with your thoughts, as the embrace tightens around your corpse. The room returns to silence, him comforting your mind, one set of fingers ruffling through your hair, the other hand rubbing your back lightly.

Twenty minutes pass of being in his arms, and you finally get up, your stomach screaming at you to eat. "How are you feeling now?" he asks, smoothing your cheek with his thumb, the rest of his hand wrapped underneath your jawline. Melting into his hand, your only wish was to continue cuddling for the rest of the day, but you knew you couldn't. "Yeah... Thank you, Nelly. I'm just hungry, that's all."
He grins, pointing to a tote bag resting on the end of the bed, "I bought you biscuits! They're your favourite too, jam sandwich creams." Returning the grin, you push your body off of the mattress, waddling over to the bag, reaching in and pulling the package out. As you rejoin Nelson on the bed, you prise the biscuits open, dragging one out and popping it into your mouth. Pointing the open side to your lover, he sticks two fingers in and gets his own, thanking you before crunching down on it.

"C'mon, you're coming with me," he chortles, picking you up and carrying you out of the room. You accept your fate, as he forces you down the stairs and in the living room. As you get lowered onto the wide one seater, he unravels a blanket and rolls you in it, turning you into a 'burrito'. You giggle, watching him kiss your forehead, and turning on your favourite TV show for you to continue binge watching. Lowering himself next to you, he offers you a biscuit in different intervals, or when you ask him to. You never really knew what true love was, until you met this man.


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