Suspicions - Puffer × Fem!CC!Reader

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Name: Athena

She/Her Pronouns



The name that the world knows you by, the name you picked just under two years ago. As you questioned your career while sat in your office, you knew this lifestyle was for you, but when to start committing to it, and relying on it fully, was the true question. A decision that many would procrastinate making, the pressures of working in retail were urging you on to change path. People would start recognising you in places you would not expect, you would be invited to events all year round, involved in groups of other people with the same profession, persuaded into challenges made by others. That would be your life if you made the change, and it sounded like a dream to you. Choosing a name was difficult, but due to your childhood fascination with ants, you knew it should be included in someway. One part of the name completed. You approached your older brother for assistance, as he was already in your new field of work.

"Maaaatttt," You remember calling out, lounging across his sofa with your laptop resting across your thighs. He responded how he always would to you shouting his name, "Athenaaaaaa."
"I need help with a naameeeeeeee."
He giggled, "What is the name forrrrrr"
"You're joining YouTube?"
"Yes, now give me an name which includes Ants."

Wheeling your bright blue office chair closer to your desk, your waist just below the rim, you glance through your OBS, ensuring everything was ready for streaming. Pulling the headphones over your ears, you test your main microphone to perfect the testing stage. You adjust your camera box on the stream, moving it to the middle and at the bottom to cover up the room codes, before loading the game up on your other monitor. As it loads up, the main menu audio booms from your headphones, you turn the volume down in settings to an appropriate level, as you knew the game wasn't the only thing that would be loud.

Flicking the digital switch to begin streaming and recording, your overlay appears in the mini video window on your OBS, your stream microphone muted. You begin scrolling through Discord, trying to figure out if you're using an external call, or proximity chat.


{Anthena}: prox chat or discord call?

As the message gets sent off, you begin reading chat, putting your microphone back on to thank any subscriptions and donations given to your Twitch channel, each one ensuring you and your roommate could afford all the bills, and any food you might need. The support was always appreciated by you, despite your roommate constantly receiving more - you never let it get to your head.

However, you do let him get to your head. He is just absolutely beautiful to you, his hair finger combed back almost every single day which he does whenever he speaks to you. The gold frames circled around his eyes, holding lenses in place, a small bridge between the circles resting on his glabella and two wires attached, bending over his ears. His smile alone could cheer you up no matter what: some people would call it a contagious smile. Your love for him was strong, but must be contained. You knew he did not recipotate the feelings.


{BigPuffer}: It's Prox chat, Aths

You smile at the white pixels, the nickname highlighted in your mind. Nobody ever gives you a nickname, this is the first time he has used it, so it felt extra special.

Returning back to your stream, you switch to the full screen camera show, waving to your monitors sat in front of you, "Hi people! Welcome in." you grin, keeping an eye out on the group chat after thanking the man in the room next to yours, "We're playing Among Us today! I know how much you love it, and it's with your favourite bunch of people!" After receiving a game code in the groupchat, you join the game, switching to the layout you made only fifteen minutes ago. Voices filled the silence you held as you loaded in, and you begin screaming.

"Alright! No need to be so loud!"
"Look who's laassstttt, especially after forgetting what mode we were using."
"Shut up, Puffer," you frown jokingly at the camera, "Not all of us can remember everything when we've got bitches in our DMs." The group chortles loudly, with the man you called out joining in.
"Well, we definitely know that Anthena is here!" Droid calls out, still chuckling about the situation.

Droid is the only one who is aware of your perspective on Puffer, keeping a secret is his speciality apparently. Out of the whole group, he was the most trustworthy, excluding your brother, so that's why he was told out of them all. Matt was over-protective, so you struggled to foresee his reaction to the news. Nelson would accidentally spill it out, the same with Jaren. Pezzy would get too excited when seeing you boyh together that he would make it so obvious he knew your secret. So, Droid was your best bet, and he is still.

The screen flashes as you when the game begins, the word "Crewmate" typed out in blue, causing you to frown and roll your eyes. Hastily moving your dark blue bean character away from anybody, you slowly whisper into the microphone. "It's gonna be Puffer, I'm calling it."


"Christopher, you are one son of a bitch!" you scream out, after the game shows every player the Imposters. The Elvis-style haired cyan character in a white suit, with the army suited brown character. Jumping out of your seat, pushing your headphones to the desk, you fly out of your room in anger, heading towards Chris's. Kicking his door open, his head swiftly turns to you, panic smothering his face. He begins screaming jokingly, before laughing. You approach him, "You're such a dick, Puffer! I have died first three times, and by who? By who?" your words fill the call, which was dead silent at this point.

Without thinking, his arms curl around your torso, pulling you onto his lap as he quickly switches his video camera and microphone off. Sitting you down on his thigh, forming circles on your back with his hand, you lose all inch of anger in your body. "I'm sorry, I couldn't see you like that. I- I-" his words jumble up, flustered after realising where he put you. Hands rising up, you cover your face in embarrassment, concerned that you will slip on your words. With your focus on your words, the actions you committed to next were left unsupervised.

Pushing your lips onto his, startling him for a second, before he accepts his fate and lets you continue, holding onto this moment like it will never happen again. Both hearts racing, sweat pouring down each others faces, your body connecting his as you passionately make out on his office chair. One hand pushed through his hair, the other gripping onto his shoulder. His right hand on your chin to keep you close, his left arm wrapped around your body to stabilise you. Taking a second to breathe, Chris leans over to his microphone, switching it on in the Discord call, "Me and Y/N will be back in a little bit." he whispers, turning the stream off suddenly. He lets you go, as you return to your room to switch your stream off too, before returning to him.

Climbing back onto his lap, your legs tightened around his hips, his hands rest on your facial cheeks, in awe of your looks. "I've been yearning to kiss you for so long, I didn't know how much longer I could hold off," he pants out, slowly rubbing circles into your cheeks.
"I'm glad the feeling is recipotated," you respond, returning your hands to their original places, continuing your mini make out session with your roommate.


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