MICHEAL!? (Part 2)

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Same Warnings as the 1st part
Also cussing

Henry's pov:

We all went to the living room to sit down and discuss things
"So Michael.. you're father isn-" "William is NOT my father" i sigh as he said that i looked over at william and could tell he was upset and he seemed uncomfortable "fine william is NOT here to cuase ANY harm" as I started explain to Micheal what had been happening the past few weeks William got up and said he was gonna make some coffee. "So you're saying he just randomly appeared at the ur shitty door??" "Yup that's it" Micheal looked unconvinced

Micheal's pov:

I felt very unconvinced about what Henry was telling me there's gotta be something that prick bastard is planning. "Very well but if ur in any danger u can fucking tell me alright?" "Yes i am very aware micheal but i asure u what i'm saying is 100% true, also language" Henry saidi rolled my eyes, William came with the coffee i stared at him. He looked very nervous

*a few hours later*

(They had moved into the diner room) It has been a few hours and still nothing weird has happened except for William making weird faces and Henry's hand being placed somewhere under the table while his other was on the table (I wonder what he could be doing 🤭😏, also micheal is like innocent on this shit, lol). "Anyway it's getting late i should get going" i said as I stood up, Henry stood up and smiled saying "alright I"ll follow u out" William just waved bye as he was breathing a bit heavily??

William's pov

As they left I was feeling embarrassed especially since HE did it while SOMEONE (that someone being Michael) was here. I got up and went to the room I semi share with Henry. I whispered "that sneaky fucking bastard!.." I blushed "but that my sneaky bastard"

That is all thank u for reading also should there bei
Smut in the next one???
Anyway thank u for reading!
Also wow I'm proud of myself I got this out like a day after the last part :) anyway bye!

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