Chapter 4

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Location: Burbank, California (WB Studios)

Dom and Lebron were now in a meeting room looking at a presentation made by their algorithm as he explains what their new technology is to them.

[Al G. on speakers] Hello. I'm Al G. Rhythm. And as you might have guessed, I am an algorithm here at Warner Bros. The studio behind all the classics. But now, it's time for our greatest creation yet, Warner 3000.

This will revolutionize the entire entertainment industry, and we want you to be on our team, King James. Now, we know you're busy, but we can make it very easy for you. Because our brand new Warner 3000 technology will scan you right into the movies. Oh, it's like looking into a mirror, huh, LeBron? [laughs] Think about it, Batman versus LeBron. LeBron of Thrones. [growls] LeBron and the Chamber of Secrets. The possibilities are endless. [laughing] You'll be the king of Warner Bros. That's the power of Warner 3000. Say yes, LeBron, and together, we'll make mind-blowing entertainment forever.

[music continues on speaker]

Huh? Huh?

[music ends]

Secretary Man: So, what do you say? Pretty sweet, right? [laughing]

[woman] I mean, look at him. Look at that face. He's speechless. He loves it! How about that algorithm, huh?

While this conversation was happening in the room, Al-G was watching them all through a camera in the room with Pete and got excited thinking Lebron liked his presentation and would say "Yes."

Al-G: Yes! Thank you! Finally, huh? Put some 'spec on my name, right?

[Pete cheers]

Lebron goes first in his thoughts on it.

[LeBron] That was, um... That was something. Right, Malik? Listen, guys, I'm a ballplayer. You know, and athletes acting, that never goes well. I'm sorry, guys. This is all just...

In the camera Al-G is upset that he had heard his two big shots at recognition decline the offer, while Pete is distracted until he notices at the last minute.

LeBron: It's just not me. And I can't afford to take time away from the game.

[Malik] Whoa, Bron. Let's not be too hasty here. Let's just hear what they're talking about.

LeBron: With all due respect, with all due respect, this idea is just straight-up bad. That algorithm is busted.

Al-G didn't take that response too well.

AI-G:*Fake Laugh*Busted?!

[LeBron] It's among the worst ideas I've ever heard. Top five, easily.

Lady: Okay. Thank you. Thank you! That's exactly what I was think... You're saying what I'm thinking. This is trash, this algorithm. You're cancelled, algorithm!

[man] What a terrible idea. So stupid.

[woman] So stupid. This is what happens when...

Pete, tell me he did not just say "stupid"!

[Pete] Uh-oh.

Dom: I don't know. I think the algorithm's pretty cool. I've got a question. Is it a heuristic algorithm or some kind of matrix variant?

Lady: Well, I think we have a little Stevie Jobs on our hands.

Dom: Yeah, I'm actually building my own video game.

Secretary Man: Oh, nice, your own video game.

Dom: You heard of the E3 game design camp, right?

The man nods.

Dom: Well, there's gonna be one next weekend, and I'm going. There's gonna be a whole bunch of other coders there.

Lebron: Whoa, Dom, no. You can't go to that, basketball camp is next weekend.

Dom: I'm not going to basketball camp, dad.

Lebron tries to encourage him.

Lebron: You don't have to be scared, you got some amazing potential on the court, and I can help you get there.

Dom finally says.

Dom: That's not what I want, dad.

Dom gets up and leaves the room with Lebron following him.

Meanwhile with, he was enraged by how the presentation ended, he did all of that hard work only to have his idea rejected by Lebron.

Al-G: [grunts in frustration] [in distorted voice] Who does this guy think he is? Huh? Rejecting me? Humiliating me?

After calming down, Al-G decides to come up with a new plan instead.

Al-G: Ok. Alright. I've tried being a team player but those days are over, I'm done playing by everyone else's rules. It is MY game now.

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