Chapter 5

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Dom continues to walk away from his dad, not listening to what he have to say.

LeBron: Dom! I'm your father. When I say stop, you stop.

[Al G.] Right this way, King James.

[LeBron] Dom, do not get in that elevator! Come on, Dom. You know I can't let you back out of camp like that. You made a commitment.

Dom: You make me hate basketball.

Lebron: You don't mean that.

Dom: I do. Everything is always what you want.

You never let me do what I wanna do. You never let me just do me.

[LeBron] "Do me"? You think I got to "do me" when I was 12?

[static crackling]

Lebron: Hold up. Wrong floor.

[Dom] Warner 3000.


[Al G. on speakers] Welcome, Dominic James.

[digital trilling]

[Dom] Wow, this is cool.

[LeBron] Dom? Stop playing, man. You know your mom don't like it when I don't have you home for dinner on time. All this computer stuff is your thing, not mine.

He keep walking but pass by Dom as he gets close to a big black orb.

Lebron walk back and see him.

Lebron: Dom?

He see him vanish in the blink of an eye.

Lebron: Dom!

[tense music playing]

Lebron: Dom? What in The Matrix heck?

Before he know it, he is sucked into the orb.

[orchestral music playing]

Lebron: Dom! What's going on? Are you okay?

Dom: Yeah, I'm fine. Wow. This must be some kind of immersive tech like holography with haptic technology, or something like VR...

Lebron: Dude, dude, dude. Just tell me what's going on.

Dom: Dad, I think we're digitized. We're in the computer!

Lebron: We're in the computer? You know I'm claustrophobic.

Dom: Dad, chill out.

Lebron: How do we get out of here?

Dom: Dad. Dad.

Lebron: Where's the elevators? Hey, Siri, can you let us out of here, please?

Out of nowhere AI-G shows up and scares both of them

[Al G. in villainous voice] Who goes there? Who dares disturb the great and powerful Al G.? [chuckles] [in normal voice] Look at your faces. You were terrified! [mimics gasp] [laughs] Priceless.

[dramatic music plays]

Al-G: See? Nothing to be afraid of.

Lebron: The computer's Black.

Dom: I can see that.

Al-G: Hello. Wow. King James. I am a big fan. I don't know, I thought you'd be taller somehow.

Dom: These graphics are unreal.

Lebron: Dom, don't touch the silver computer man. What's going on? And who are you, man?

Al-G: Uh... [clears throat] You're right. Forgive me. Where are my manners? I am King Al G. Rhythm.

Lebron: Oh, you're that guy from the video.

Al-G: Yes, I am. [chuckles] And this... Ha-ha. Oh, gentlemen, this... this is the Warner Bros. Serververse. Just make you feel all insignificant, don't it?

Lebron: [scoffs] Are all computers like this?

He asks his son, but when he looks, he notice he's missing and he start to panic.

Lebron: Dom? Dom?

[Al G.] Uh-oh.

Lebron: What'd you do to my son? Where's Dom?

Al G: Who's Dom? [chuckles] Dude, chill out. You're gonna get your son back.

Lebron: There better not be a "but" at the end of...

Al G: But there's something you're gonna do for me first.

Lebron: Like what?

Al G: You know, you, uh... [scoffs] You really shouldn't have rejected my ideas back there. That was a mistake. Now, I'm afraid you're gonna have to help me fulfill my destiny.

Lebron: Listen, man, if you don't produce my son in five seconds...

Al G: No, no, no. You're not running things in here. I am the king of this domain. I'm not your coach. Now, the only way you're getting your son back is if you and I play a little game called basketball.

Lebron: [scoffs] You wanna play me in basketball?

Al G: Well, you didn't wanna be in the movies. You wanted to "focus on your game." Well, guess what? Now you can focus on this game. You and me, we're gonna put on a show, baby. We are gonna play a game of basketball in front of the largest captive audience ever. All your followers, they're all gonna be watching. And when they see the two of us together, I will finally step out of the shadows and into the light. And the entire world is gonna know the name of King Al G. Rhythm. [chuckles] [sighs] But you know what, I'm a good sport. Tell you what, if you win, you and your son can skedaddle on out of here.

Lebron: And what if I lose?

Al G: Yeah. Wrinkle. If you lose... Well, when you lose, you're just gonna have to stay here in the Serververse with me... [echoing] forever and ever and ever and ever.

[Pete] Oh!

[Al G. chuckles]

Al G: So, you better play like you mean it.

Lebron: You know, you think this is a game. I'm calling the authorities on you. 'Cause what you got going on here...

Lebron tries to call the authorities,but stops when he sees Al-G with not only his phone.

Al G: On this phone?

Lebron: How'd you do that?

Al G: LeBron, why are you worried about the authorities when you should be out there looking for a team? Pete, send this clown to the rejects.

Pete rolls a display that stops on 'Tune World.'

Lebron: Wait...

But he is cut off when Pete pulls the lever and he fall down a hole.

Lebron: [screaming]

Al G: [chuckles] I guess he fell for it.

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