5: New Year, New Us

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Marcy stared at xir hands and counted to seven on xir fingers. Seven days had passed since Marcy last saw Sashanne. The car stopped and Marcy took a deep breath before stepping out of the rideshare. Marcy looked at xir phone to scroll to the event link that Sasha and Anne sent in hopes that Marcy would join them. Xe slid the phone back into xir pocket and knocked on the door. Marcy's heart beat matched the sound of the footsteps walking towards the door. As the door flung open Marcy hoped that xe could open up as easily.

"Marcy!" Anne said, excited but held their arms to not leap towards xem. "Happy New Year's Eve." They waved shyly.

"Happy New Year's Eve, Anna Banana." Marcy nibbled xir lip, noticing Anne's hesitation while xe waved back shyly."Can I come in?" The words struggled passed xir lips.

"Yeah, of course." Anne said with a soft smile before stepping to the side to let xem in.

"I'm glad I caught you. I wasn't sure if you would have already left for the event."

"Not with Sasha picking me up."

"Just like Sash waiting until the last minute."

"Yeah, I had to convince him to go at ten." Anne laughed, "she was trying to leave here at eleven thirty. We would have never made it in time for the count down."

"Oh Sasha." Marcy shook xir head in amusement.

"I have time blindness, but I'm sure Sasha is on the spectrum because they have it too. No one can tell me she is not Neurodivergent."

"I agree." Marcy thought for a minute."But, to be fair she was always on time to pick us up after work."

Anne giggled. "Well you win some you loose some. The thing about the spectrum is you don't always get to choose."

Marcy chuckled lightly. "So true."

"Do you want to sit down?" Anne gestured to the living room couch.

"Can we go in your room, if that's okay?"

Anne nodded, "Of course." They led the way up the stairs and Marcy followed.

Once inside Anne's room, Anne sat on the couch and patted the spot next to them. Marcy sat down and took a deep breath.

"Anne, I don't know how to say this —" Marcy stopped feeling Anne's hands take xirs into their own. "Anna Banana?" Marcy called softly with a hint of confusion.

"If you don't want to date me anymore it's going to take some time to heal, but I would still like to have you in my life."

"Wait, no." Marcy shook xir head. "I'm sorry if I made you think I didn't want you."

"You still want me?"

"Of course I do. More than ever."

Anne smiled weakly, "I thought maybe you didn't want to stop dating, but then I started getting in my head the last few days." Anne sighed, "Well, why did you shut me out, Marmar?"

"Because I'm stupid."

"Marmar, stop that." Anne caressed xir knuckles. "You are the smartest person I know."

"Well, I haven't been acting very smart or wise."

"What made you act this way?"

Macy became the door opening up with a gentle swing, well more so a shaky breath. "I'm not out to my parents. I haven't even told them my correct pronouns."

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