Interview #6

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This interview was with Nightingale_Nebula. Read it here!

1. What is the title of your book? 

The Definition of Dysania

2. What is your book about? 

This is a collection of short horror stories that are intended to allow the reader to immerse themselves in the situations. It was interesting for me to dive deeper into the cores of my darkest fears—and the tension is lifted sometimes with silly ideas that me and my friends have come up with; ex, the ending of the second chapter. 

 3. Why did you enter the Blossom Awards? 

I entered because I saw it as an opportunity for exposure and feedback—two things that I desperately need. I am a young writer, and my friends are biased concerning me and my writing.

 4. Have you ever won a Wattpad contest before? If so, which one? 

No, I have not won anything before; most of the contests are still in the judging phase or not even that yet.

 5. What is your all time favorite book? (Doesn't have to be from Wattpad) 

This is highly difficult as I am a huge bookworm; I once read over 100 books one summer. I'd have to say Grimm's Fairytales—they inspire me greatly and are always fun to reread.

 6. What do you hope to get out of the Blossom Awards? 

Like I said earlier, I hope to gain feedback and recognition to gain traction for my books.

 7. Anything else you'd like to say?

Thank you to all of the volunteer judges; I can't imagine how long it would take to read so many books. For those that want to join more competitions, I have a public reading list where I think there are still some letting participants in. Good luck everyone! ✨

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