Mystery & Science Fiction Round 1 Results

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Results for Mystery and Science Fiction Round 1 are here. If you are listed, you move on to the Final Round!


1. BellOfSilence with The Grimm Dossier

2. kinalhariya with Mysterious Death

3. NydiaSwift with The Darkest Little Paradise

4. braveclementine with Flight of the Bumblebee

5. DeathBlade__ with Black or White

Science Fiction: 

1. JansOtherStories with The Great Galactic Score!

2. AutumnSky222 with The Rebel's Daughter

3. under_the_stars232 with World Left In Pieces

4. strawberry1d with Hidden in the Oasis

5. AleksandraEvans with The Sweetbriar Slayer

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