Interview #9

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This interview is with AleksandraEvans. Check it out!

1. What is the title of your book? 

The Sweetbriar Slayer. 

2. What is your book about? 

At its heart, the novel is about a traumatized woman regaining agency and taking back her power for herself. 

 3. Why did you enter the Blossom Awards? 

 I entered the awards to try to gain some more exposure for the novel. 

 4. Have you ever won a Wattpad contest before? If so, which one? 

No, I have never won a contest before.  

5. What is your all time favorite book? (Doesn't have to be from Wattpad) 

Hands down, my all time favorite novel is Dragonsdawn, by Anne McCaffery. It introduced me to both my love of fantasy and science fiction. 

6. What do you hope to get out of the Blossom Awards? 

I hope to get some specific feedback that could help to better my novel, as well as to hopefully reach a few more readers! 

 7. Anything else you'd like to say?

Best of luck to everyone- not just in the competition, but also in reaching whatever writing goals brought you to Wattpad in the first place!

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