Prizes & New Updates

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I am finally going to announce the prizes for the winners of the Blossom Awards contest. There will be 3 winners from each category.

1st Place:

-Permanent follow from host & judges who read your book

-1st Place Sticker (Will be finding somebody to make a great one)

-Shoutout on Message Board

-Added to "Blossom Awards Winners" Reading List

-Mention in my book "Work In Progress"

2nd Place:

-Permanent follow from host & judges who read your book

-2nd Place Sticker

-Shoutout on Message Board

-Added to "Blossom Awards Winners" Reading List

3rd Place:

-Permanent follow from host & judges who read your book

-3rd Place Sticker

-Added to "Blossom Awards Winners" Reading List

Also, there are a few updates I need to give! We have ONE spot open in Science Fiction, and that is all that is left. I was debating on doing a few smaller contests during the judging. (Maybe a cover contest & that sort of thing). If anyone has ideas for that, let me know. 

Another thing: when judges are announced, FOLLOW the judge/judges for your genre. If you do not do this, you will not win anything. They deserve a payment for their hard work as do you!

Comment here if you would like an interview opportunity. These will be questions sent to you privately, and then published here in a chapter. This will be your shoutout basically! And check my book club out. Will link below!

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