Taking a gamble

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Walking out of the room, I don't feel ashamed for too long because of the feeling of everyone's eyes on me.

Everyone is completely silent with all their eyes are on me and I look around wide eyed and confused. With that they continue doing what they where doing before like nothing happened.

The men that where in the room before make their way back in and the people gambling continue chatting away.

Luna gives me a strange look before she speaks.

"Did you guys fight again?"

"Not exactly, but I don't wanna talk about it." I sigh and look around not knowing what to do with myself.

Luna doesn't ask anything further, side hugs me and squeezes my arm in reassurance while walking back to Cameron in the room I was in before.

Not knowing what else to do I go back upstairs to the bar and sit down to have a few drinks. I needed some time alone before going back downstairs.

Feeling drunk enough after ordering around the nervous bartender, I go back downstairs, careful not to trip by holding the sides of the wall.

Making my way to a poker table I sit down and all the older gentlemen look at me with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.

"How does this game work?" I say to one of them.

He man explains the rules of the game and I listen intently before deciding if I want to play. Nodding in understanding, I decide I want to play and call over someone to give me 500 euros worth of chips.

"Are you sure that is enough?" The man in the floral shirt asks motion to my small stack of chips.

"Yes, the game does sound too hard anyway." I say and shrug.

The game starts and they occasionally speak in Italian but I don't mind because of how drunk I am.

Losing half my chips by the end of the first game doesn't faze me and one of them asks if I'd like to go again and I nod.

Some of them light up cigars and I'm curious about how they taste so I ask for one. The man laughs, agreeing to give me one and lights it up for me.

Blowing the smoke out of my mouth we begin the second round. After I had gotten the feel for the game, I'm confident that I'll win this time.

By the end of the game I'm laughing while pulling a mountain of chips my way and some of the men are holding there hands on their head in disbelief.

Some of them speak defeatedly in Italian and even though I don't understand what they're saying I can tell that they are beyond shocked.

A few people had gathered around me by now and some are patting my shoulder in congratulations.

"You do not understand how lucky you are girl." one of the men behind me says in an accent.

"How so?" I say while putting out the half finished cigar on an ashtray.

"They have never lost to anyone but themselves for years, that is why only they can play together." he says and my eyebrows raise.

I don't feel that impressive but maybe it's just something that happens to come naturally to me. I shrug it off as a coincidence and count the chips in front of me.

"A royal flush... how?!" one of the men I played with says to me.

"Probably just luck?" I shrug off and attempt to get up and check in my chips.

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