Self control : Bonus Chapter

378 14 3

Aaron's P. O. V.

Wiping the steam off the mirror, I sigh and run a hand through my damp hair. Valerie is in the next room probably dressing herself and I want to give her enough time to do so.

Feeling like I've taken enough time, I open the door and I see her figure under the covers. I usually find it difficult to sleep but the alcohol in my body should make it easier tonight.

The lights have been turned off but the moonlight shining through the sheer curtains brings in enough light for me to see.

Climbing into the covers, I sit up and glance over at her. She's sleeping peacefully with the blankets covering her chin.

It's an incredibly annoying habit I've recently developed, where I look at her for an unnecessary amount of time and I often catch myself attempting to smile at her.

I can't help but want to treat her as if she where a stray pup with no survival instincts. In a way it's the perfect metaphor for her.

She waltzes around with no fear and most times stares danger in the face and laughs at it. I've never been the philosophical type of man, but there's no other way of describing the women next to me.

Finally tearing my eyes away from her I check in with my contacts to make sure everything is going smoothly.

From what I read there's no movement from Mr West out of Japan and Jake has given away the location of shipment 507.

Valerie stirring around next to me breaks me away from my phone and she moves her hand around towards me. Grabbing at the fabric of my sweat pants, she finally relaxes.

Most nights she stirs in her sleep and unknowingly grabs onto me. I allow her to knowing if I doesn't she might wake up from a nightmare like she did the first day we got here.

I wake up well before her and I usually unhook her from me so she doesn't feel embarrassed and avoid me like she often does.

Finally feeling tired I move further down into the blankets and make myself comfortable.

"Goodnight Valerie." I whisper knowing she's asleep.

I've made it a habit since I was young to say goodnight to someone only if I know they're asleep. I couldn't shake the habit even when I went to boarding school and Cameron often teased me about it when he caught me.

Closing my eyes I feel my body becoming heavier and my racing thoughts start to subside. When I'm on the brink of sleep Valerie shuffles around again and instead of just her hand feeling around for me her whole body moves toward me.

I'm laying on my side facing her and she cuddles up in front of me with her arm around my torso and her leg over me. My whole body freezes and I open my eyes, now wide awake.

The position is surprisingly comfortable but I don't want to overstep her boundaries, so I attempt to move her away from me.

Removing her arm from my waist and placing it in front of her I go to move her leg off me as well. That's when I feel her bare leg and I quickly let go of it.

Turning my body I switch on the light and then turn towards her. Looking down at her I pull the blankets off us so I can properly move her.

Her body is dressed in nothing but sheer black lingerie and my breath hitches before I turn my head away from her.

My heart is beating wildy in my chest and I feel the space around my pants tightening. All I can do is bite down against my teeth and move her leg away from me, without looking at her.


Switching the light off I cover her back up with the blankets and rush to the ensuite. Switching on the light I close the door behind me and lock it.

I rest my hands on the sink and lower my head, while closing my eyes. The images of her body, flash in my mind and I click my tongue. By now the space in my pants is fully restricted and I curse myself.

Looking up at myself in the mirror, a grimace decorates my features and I groan at the feeling growing below my stomach.

You only glanced at the girl now look at yourself... pathetic.

My plan was to stay in the bathroom until it subsided, but by now the feeling is uncomfortable. My thoughts drift onto doing something to relieve it, but I stop myself thinking of Valerie in the next room.

Thinking about her makes it worse... so I settle for a cold shower which seems to do the trick.

Walking back into the room, Valerie still looks sound asleep and I walk around to my side of the bed.

Standing over the bed I'm not sure what to do. If I don't get back into bed she might have a nightmare again and if I do get into bed...

Groaning I step forward and I feel something under my foot, I can't see what it is so I pick it up from the floor and hold it up to the light.

She took off her bra...

I drop it back on the floor and look back at her in disbelief. Now I definitely can't bring myself to get back into bed knowing she might be top less.

"Fuck." I whisper.

The blankets shuffle around and she tosses the blankets off her. I almost snap my eyes away but looking at her I see that she's dressed in her nightwear.

She must of dressed when I was in the shower.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I get into the bed I stare up at the ceiling feeling wide awake. I turn my head over and see that Valerie is laying on her side, facing away from me.

Memories of us dancing at the underground casino play back in my mind and I feel my heart squeeze.

What am I going to do about her...

I don't understand what this strange feeling is, whenever I'm around her. It's hindering my concentration... I think of her often and I do things that don't make sense.

It's the same feeling I get whenever we're close enough to kiss... out of control... I hate the feeling of being out of control.

Any semblance of self control I have disappears when I'm around her and I can't stop myself.

The rustling of the blankets next to me makes me turn my head and Valerie grabs my hand. I frown at the feeling in my stomach and I breathe out through nose.

I interlace my fingers between hers and she squeezes my hand. The feeling in my stomach grows towards my chest and all I can do is look at her sleeping calmly.

What am I doing?

The voice in the back of my mind is shouting at me to keep my distance but my body never listens to me. I know what my body is trying to tell me but for now I won't listen.

So I'll just fall asleep holding her hand... because it's the only thing that feels right even if it shouldn't.


Authors note :

I thought I'd add a little bonus Chapter on Aaron's P.O.V. short and sweet.

Thank you for reading! vote and comment for more <3

word count : 1255

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