Last day single

492 13 2

In the coming days most of the guests arrive and arrangements are made for the rehearsal dinner. I'm not exactly sure what happens at a rehearsal dinner, but I don't really worry to much about it.

What I am dreading however is Tiffany's arrival. She's attending with her brother Ross that I met at Spotlight bar in London. Our encounter was brief, but has a lasting impression.

Tiffany might do something to take the spotlight from me and embarrass herself on my wedding day.

I don't hate her, I really don't... but I'd just like the day to go as smoothly as possible so I'll put something in place to prevent that from happening.

Driving off to the restaurant we've reserved, I'm stuck in my thoughts as I'm staring out of the window.

"Valerie." Aaron says loudly and I jump in my seat.

"What the fuck?" I say and turn to him.

"I've called you 5 times now." he says and takes the car keys out of the ignition. I notice we're parked in front of the restaurant and I umstrap my seat belt.

"Oh." I say and I get out of the car, still slightly dazed.

Inhaling deeply then exhaling, I walk into the restaurant side by side with Aaron. We greet the guests and I put a fake smile on my face and by the time I sit down, I drink the entirety of the champagne glass in front of me.

"Relax with the alcohol Valerie." Aaron whispers next to me.

"I'm gonna need it to get through this dinner, so suck it up." I say.

Everyone is chatting with one another and I'm glad I don't have to contribute too much to the conversations. Luna is introducing Cameron to her parents and it seems to be going well.

Lunas mom is from Jamaica and her dad is African American. From what I remember her dad works at NASA hence her being named after the moon. Her mother is scary before you meet her but she's actually really sweet despite her constant scolding.

Luna's younger brother is running around with Aaron's little brother, I've yet to meet.

I don't pay much attention to Aaron's father who occasionally looks over at us. I haven't meet his parents yet and a part of me doesn't want to either, after finding out the hell they put him through.

There are gifts heaped on a table in the far corner of the restaurant, that I'll have to open in front of everyone later. I'm dreading it because I hate too much attention on me at once.

For now I sip on the champagne in front of me while observing everyone around me. I feel at peace for the first time tonight when I hear a high pitched voice.

"Hey Aaron! I'm sooo excited for the wedding tomorrow. Congrats you guys." Tiffany says infront of me and Aaron and he thanks her.

"Let me sit with you guys!" she gets a chair to sit next to Aaron.

oh fuck here we go again...

"I'm gonna go get a drink be right back." I say boredly and get up from my seat.

I've been feeling really anxious since the reality of the situation has sunk in and meeting with family isn't helping. Getting a much stronger drink from one of the waiters I gulp it down and hand it back to them.

Patting the waiters shoulder and thanking them, they look almost stunned as I walk off. Walking back to my seat, I see that Tiffany is currently sitting in it and I roll my eyes.

Aaron doesn't see me because his back is to me and I hear a snippet of their conversation.

"I mean she might just look like a whale walking down the isle." Tiffany laughs while making eye contact with me.

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