Clear things up

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Marcus being in Italy early, only brings chaos to put it lightly. He's insisted we go touring around Italy while he's there and I'm forced to take Luna with me so Aaron doesn't throw a fit and so I'm not left alone with him for too long.

I have no idea what Aaron's problem is, besides the fact he almost punched him in the face. Marcus did apologize... but it looks like Aaron can definitely hold a grudge.

Aaron's is still busy with who knows what and he isn't able to go with us and nor is Cameron. We take a rental and then explore Como on foot.

"This place is fucking beautiful." Marcus says looking around him. He's wearing a floral shirt with denim shorts and white shoes.

"Yeah sure is." Luna says beside me and we walk around looking at all the views before sitting down for some breakfast. She's wearing a flowy yellow sundress that compliments her skin tone beautifully, along with her braids hanging loose down her back and a white sun hat.

Similarly I'm wearing a deep red coloured sundress with a white sandals and a white bag to match.

Looking out at the water I breathe in fresh air and relax when I feel Marcus gaze on me but I don't turn to look at him. Luna engages in conversation with him and I internally thank her.

Again I feel someone's gaze on me but it's behind me. Instead of turning to look behind me I lift up my phone and act like I'm looking at my reflection.

Two men are just standing around and occasionally looking in our direction. I straighten and open my phone to the notes app to tell Luna someone is watching us.

She reads the message and she looks at me wide eyed and tries to look around but I stop her with my hand over hers.

"What are you guys gossiping about?" Marcus smuggly smiles thinking he catch us being stealthy.

"When we're done here we should go back and drop you at your hotel." I state and look around to see if there's anyone else.

Marcus tries to argue but I don't pay much attention to it while looking around me for anymore suspicious looking people.

Not spotting anyone else I finish my meal quickly before we get up and go again. Using the reflection on my phone again I see that the men are following close behind.

Looking over I motion to Luna that the men are still behind us and she nods in acknowledgement. Marcus looks confused at our seriousness but doesn't say anything.

"Maybe we should call Aaron?" Luna suggests and I agree.

The phone rings for a few seconds before he picks up the phone and answers.

"Someones following us." I say and keep walking at a fast pace.

"Yes, I told them to." he says and I abubtly stop walking making Luna and Marcus look at me.

"Seriously?! you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack Aaron!" I argue with him and breath a sigh of relief.

"I see you're observant." he says and I roll my eyes.

"I have to be dumbass... I'll see you later, bye." I say and end the call.

"What did he say?" Luna says.

"They're with him, it's ok. " I tell her and she nods relieved.

"I'm sorry what's going on?" Marcus says confused and we wave him off saying it's nothing.

We continue touring around the area, while taking pictures of ourselves and the view. Marcus continues to try and catch my eye but I can't bring myself to look him in the eyes.

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