What Came Before

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The shallow tied of water lapped against Maria's thighs and soaked through her night dress. She shivered as a cold ocean breeze fluttered by. Maria was sitting in the cave by the beach. It was the same one Albert had been hidden in, the one Robin and William came out from. She wasn't sure what she was doing here, but she was sure she hadn't wanted to come back.

The cave was quiet. Only the gentle sound of the waves and a periodic drip of water from the stalagmites above her were heard. Though, if she listened carefully, she was sure there was the faint rush of a river deep in the cave behind her. Ahead of her, the entrance of the cave opened to reveal the pastel colors of dawn; sprinkling the sky with hues of pink, blue, orange, and purple. The corner of Maria's mouth twitched.
She knew she should get up. Ms. Heliotrope would throw a fit if she came home with another ruined dress.... but she couldn't bring herself to care. Instead, she cupped a handful of water. She peered into it and watched her reflection fade away as the water seeped through her fingers and back to the surface pool around her.

Maria wished Robin was here with her. He would have loved the sight.
She missed him.

She hated that all their progress was wrecked, again. She would have to start over. This time, without the help of their memories together. Maria would somehow have to prove to Robin they had once been friends.

A foggy mist rose from the water around her. At first, it was a thin, transparent haze, but then it grew so dense she could barely see in front of her. The air began to feel heavy. An unnatural stillness fell over the cave. Even the sound of the waves were muffled.

Then, a purple light appeared at the entrance of the cave. Maria knew only one entity who emitted such colored light. The sharp tap of raptor talons against the rocky floor echoed off the cavern walls, walking towards her.

Maria climbed onto her feet. Her night dress, translucent and drenched with seawater, clung to her body. Maria shook her skirt loose and glared at the monster. She stood tall, almost blocking the entrance of the cave and covering them in eerie darkness.

Maria steeled herself against her nerves. "What have you done to him? Give him back!"

Althea cackled. "Girl, I've done nothing that he didn't want."


Althea's laughter resonated through the cave. Maria reached for her pearl necklace, but her neck was bare. Panicking, she swiped at the fog by her feet, thinking her pearls must have slipped off her while she was sitting down; but before she could get far along her search, Althea's chuckling dimmed. As with her laughter, soon Maria's surroundings began to fade away into black.

Maria was alone. Surrounded only by darkness. Despite the emptiness of the void, it was suffocating. Her breathing became labored and she strained her eyes to find something, anything, in the dark. But it was all black.

"Mrs. Heliotrope?"



She called out their names in vain, her voice fell flat to her ears. With her arms held out in front of her, Maria carefully took the first few steps, testing the smooth, cold, floor on which she walked on. Feeling reassured, Maria walked forward. She took no more than a few steps before her foot fell through the blackness and she screamed. She was falling.

Suddenly, she came to a stop. Her nose mere inches above the old wooden floor. Maria put down her hands and set herself on all fours. Looking around, she recognized the old fireplace and curtains that were once burgundy and green. Maria was in her old parlor. It was devoid of all furniture, of all life. She found herself in the hollowness of her old home in London.

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