Part 7

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El's POV

Last night, well basically all of yesterday I can't stop thinking about her, about Max. Am I pushing her away? I don't know how to handle this and it's stressing me out,

"El school!" Hopper pokes his head into my room,

"Oh your already ready" He grins,

"Yup" I half smile,

"What's wrong sweetie?" He sits down on my bed beside me,

"It's um Max" I sigh,

"Is she relapse-"

"No it's different Dad"

"Oh uh then what?"

"We got into a fight yesterday because she said I don't trust her and it's not true, I do it's just I'm scared she will go bad again so I like to protect her but she doesn't like it and I don't know what to do! " I ramble,

"She may not act like it now but in the long run she will appreciate what you're doing"

"it doesn't feel like it, at all! Max wants to make new friends and go out and try new things and I don't like anything about that, I like our friend group and I like that we stick to what we like"

"Max is branching out, she probably is trying to distract herself, run away from her problems and past. If she wants to do that then it's her decision, you are allowed to let her go"

"I don't want to let her go, I- I love her"

"You just need to let her do her thing sweetheart, she isn't your responsibility"

"I just miss her, the old her, the new her is different" I sniffle,

"I know kid, she's just trying her best" Hopper hugs me,

"WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!" Will yells from the front door,

"We better get you to school" Hopper pulls back,

"Yea I know" I sigh,

"Don't worry bout her okay?" Hopper kisses my forehead,

"Okay let's go Dad" I grab his hand and drag him out the door,

"Grab your bags and I'll meet you two in the car" Hopper says,

"And remember your raincoats!" He yells once outside,

"got it!" I roll my eyes and grab my red coat,

"Are we going to Max's?" Will asks,

"Not my responsibility" I shrug.

Max's POV

"Schooltime sweetie!" Mom yells,

"Yea uh coming!" I sit up in bed and check my clock, 7.19, shit. I jump up and scramble into my jeans,

"Daddy's home!!!" Neil swings open my door,

"NEIL!" I quickly button up my pants before he gets any ideas,

"shittt" He looks me up and down making him smirk,

"GET OUT!" I slam the door and continue to get ready, it hasn't stopped raining since yesterday but I like the stormy weather, winter clothes are superior to summer, scratch that fall fashion runs the world. My thoughts are interuppted by a phone call,

"hello?" I hold it up to my ear while I brush my hair,

"it's P! AND GABBI!" they yell,

"anyways we're outside your house so- GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE MAYFIELD" Gabbi yells over Penelope,

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