Part 10

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"Max!" Gabbi yells after I hear a loud thump,

"Shit" I curse and fast walk over to the edge where Gabbi is standing,

"Did she jump!?" My eyes widen at the red head now jumping the fence,

"She slid down the fucking pipe!" Gabbi exclaims,

"Not this again" I groan,

"Well do you know she went last time she ran away?" Gabbi asks,

"she was found on the side of the road but she told me she stayed at some randoms houses from school" I say,

"Jesus" Gabbi sighs,

"Well could call Robin and Steve?" I suggest,

"Who's that?" Gabbi says,

"Huh? You don't know Robin and Steve?" 

"No I don't" She scoffs,

"They work at family video, Max always hangs out with them, well she used to I don't know if she's seen them much since she got back" I explain,

"Well I doubt she'll go to them now" Gabbi says,

"She might, how would you know?" I frown,

"If you want to go off and with them you can" She shrugs,

"Whatever" I glare at her and enter back through her window,

"Juicy" Penelope teases and I flip her off on my way out the door.

Max's POV

"Maxine" A rough hand shakes me awake,

"Huh??" I rub my eyes to adjust to the light,

"I found you passed out on the front porch" Neil chuckles as he rolls a joint between his fingers,

"W-What time is it?" I look around the dimly lit kitchen,

"Around 12am" he looks at his watch,

"Your friends came lookin for ya again" he adds,

"What ones?" I sigh,

"The brunette and she brought a tall girl and a mop head boy too" he lights the joint between his lips, 

"Well what did you tell them?" I frown,

"That you weren't here" he shrugs,

"Can I have some more codeine?" I ask,

"I just refilled you 2 days ago" he frowns,

"And it's gone, can I have some or what?"

"Your pushing it Maxine" he grumbles and walks off to his room, seconds later he returns with a small bottle in his hand,

"I only have this left but I'll be out with Rick for the next few days so take care of your Mother and I'll bring you home a present" he throws me it and grabs his keys,

"yea whatever" I watch him grab his coat and leave the house,

"Are you hungry?" I poke my head into my Moms room,

"Get my beer and cigarettes!" She lobs a empty bottle at me, it breaks on the wall nearby smashing into pieces,

"Jesus christ you drunk!" I yell,

"GO GET THEM!!" She slurs, I scoff and bend down to scoop the broken shards into my hand,

"shit" I curse as a cut appears on my palm but I just ignore the pain and throw the glass out into the bin before opening the fridge to grab a six pack, cans thank god. I also grab a plate of food and throw it in the mircowave for her, while waiting I open a can to wash down one of the small pills from my stash. The machine beeps and I grab the plate as well as some cutlery to bring it to my Mom,

"Eat this" I instruct,

"Where is my beer?" She shoves me back,

"I'll give you it if you eat dinner" I bribe her,

"Fine" she snatches the plate from my grip and starts to eat, I hold the beer cans behind my back until the stupid flimsy cardboard breaks and the cans spill out everywhere,

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" My Mom lobs her plate at me and dives for the alcohol, knowing I can't take much for of this I shut her door and make sure to lock it, I then grab my coat and rush out the front door.

"your a stupid bitch" I mumble thinking about my Mom, she had become fully out of control and nothing could stop her. Instinctively I pull out one of my cigarettes,

"Max?" Someone yells out, I quickly whip my head around and hide the cigarette behind my back,

"Max hey!" To my relief it's only Lucas,

"You scared the shit out of me" I sigh and start smoking again,

"Didn't you quit?" He asks,

"What? Are you gonna snitch on me?" I smirk,

"Wha- No! No of course not" He nervously smiles,

"Wanna go to the lookout?" I ask,

"Yea! Sure!" He smiles,

"You got your car?" I ask,

"Yea it's just parked round the corner actually" he walks forward leading me the way back to his car,

"Cool" I grin and get in the passenger seat,

"What were you doing out so late anyway?" he asks as we drive,

"eh I was just bored" I shrug,

"Why haven't you been at school?" 

"just been tired"

"Is it true you had sex with Marcus?" He says as we come to a stop at the lookout,

"I dunno" I chuckle,

"What?" he looks at me weirdly,

"I was really fucking high" I laugh,

"Oh right" he mutters,

"Yea I can't remember muc-"

"200mg of powder Morphine" Lucas holds up a bag full,

"What?" I frown,

"I'll give you this if you have sex with me" He explains,

"You think I'm like a hooker?!" I scoff,

"No! It's just I'm the only virgin on the team!"

"So you went out and brought drugs Lucas!? Are you crazy?"

"I'm sorry! I just am sick of all the crap I get and you are the biggest claim at school-"

"The biggest claim?"

"Yea! So I just thought if you took my virginity I wouldn't get teased anymore"

"What do they say to you?"


"What do they call you?"

"um black boy with no balls" he mumbles,

"Well thats stupid" I scoff,

"I-I'm sorry" he sniffs,

"How much morphine again?" I grab the bag from his hand and dip my pinky in it to taste it,

"200mg but I-" 

"I'll do it"


"I'll do it, not just because of the drugs but I don't want you to be bullied" I set up a line on the dash board and snort it, I screw up my face at the burning sensation,

"I- um okay" Lucas agrees,

"You got condoms?"  I take another line and then close the bag,

"Uh no" he says,

"Seriously weren't you planning this?" I sigh,

"They told me it uhhh ya know... feels better without" he explains,

"Well then you better not give me aids" I chuckle and take my shirt off. 

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