Part 13

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El's POV

"God I hope she's home" I mutter as I lift myself into Max's room,

"Max!" I yell when I finally get half in and see she's smoking,

"El?" She looks up at me in confusion,

"OH shit!" I scream as I fall in,

"What the fuck!" Max laughs as she helps me back on my feet,

"You're smoking!" I try to snatch the blunt from her hand,

"I am" Max smirks,

"Maxxx" I groan,

"You can't expect me to quit all drugs at once, gotta soothe the pain somehow" She takes a large hit,

"Plus smoking weed is like normal" She blows out the smoke in my face,

"I don't like it" I cross my arms,

"Oh well in that case" She rolls her eyes,

"Max!" I scold,

"Look I just am easing myself off okay? I swear I won't do it at school and I'll do whatever you want to try help me quit" She says as she puts out her blunt,

"Alright then" I say,

"Seriously?" She smiles,

"As long as your only smoking" I sigh,

"I love you!" She tackles me onto the bed and we land with our faces inches apart,

"I love you" She repeats before she softly presses her lips against mine, a sweet short kiss but I can tell she meant it, I put my hands on her face to kiss her but my eyes divert to my watch, it's 9pm.

"Oh god my curfew is 7!!" I roll her to the side and sit up,

"You can always stay the night" She suggests,

"I can?" I turn to her,

"Well it's dark and raining" She points out the window, god how long have I been here?

"Will Neil be here?" I ask,

"Don't worry about him okay?" She grabs my hand stroking it softly,

"Besides how am I going to help your horny ass if you leave" She licks her lips,

"I- I'll call Joyce" I quickly pull out my phone,

"I'll go get some snacks" She leaves me in her room alone,

"Hey sweetie do you need picked up?" Joyce's sweet voice runs through my phone,

"Uh no is it okay if I stay the night at Max's house?" I ask,

"It's a school night hunny you know how Hop is" She reminds me,

"Max is feeling pretty down" I lie,

"Is everything okay? Did something happen with her?" Joyce panics,

"No no I just think she really needs me here, for support"

"Well I suppose it's okay as long as you are at school on time tomorrow" 

"Thank you!"

"And don't worry about Dad I'll talk to him, have a nice night and don't stay up too late! Love you" Joyce says,

"Love you too, bye!" I hang up,

"I'm back muffin" Max skips into the room holding a bowl of popcorn and a computer,

"I thought we could watch a movie" She plops down on the bed and gets under the covers,

"Breakfast club?" She asks half stuffing her face, god I missed her more than I even realised,

"What?" She smiles,

"Uh nothing!" I feel my face flush,

"Well get over here!" She laughs and I get in bed next to her, we lay together watching the movie like we used to all the time, just being with her makes me love her more, I know I shouldn't but you can't choose who you love and I'm sick of trying to avoid my feelings.

"You know I really missed this, watching lame ass movies with my not so lame ass girlfriend" Max says and I swear my heart skips about 10 beats,

"Girlfriend?" I turn to her,

"Well ex now" She sighs,

"Doesn't have to be" My breath hitches,

"I don't want to screw this up" Max closes the computer,

"Who said we had to rush into anything?" I flip over to straddle her lap,

"no one" she runs her hands up my back resting them on my hips,

"exactly" I grab her face,

"I got your restock" Neil swings open the door and I scramble off Max falling off the bed,

"Knock next time" Max gets out of bed and grabs a brown bag off him,

"Next time invite me to this shit, I'd do a threesome for some MD" He chuckles,

"Fuck off I told you only weed" Max smacks him,

"I'm gonna go get pizza and when I'm back I hope I walk in on something kinky" He smirks and leaves the room,

"Ignore him" She helps me to my feet,

"What's in the bag?" I ask,

"Just weed" She says,

"Can I see?" I ask,

"If you don't trust me" She hands me the bag,

"I trust you" I give it back to her,

"Alright then" She smiles and sits down at her desk, she opens up her bottom drawer and pulls out a box dumping out the contents infront of her,

"What are you doing?" I jump back onto her bed,

"Stocking up" I watch her grab some weed and put it into a metal container,

"That smells" I block my nose as she pours out the now grinded up weed onto 5 different pieces of paper,

"It'll be done soon" She clicks on her radio and oasis starts playing, 

"Sooo Sally can wait" Max sings, 

"She knows it's too late as we're walking on by" Max turns to me and holds up 5 new blunts,

"God don't show me that!!" I bury my face in my hands,

"But don't look back in anger I heard you say" She dances around the room,

"I'm tired stopppp" I groan and lay back,

"Okay okay" She turns off the radio and jumps onto the bed next to me,

"You stink" I say,

"And yet you still love me" She brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear,

"I do" I blush,

"Your folded" She grins,

"Maxxx!" I bury my face into her chest to hide my embarrassment,

"I love you too" She wraps her arms around me as we both slowly drift off to sleep.

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