Part 12

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Max's POV

"Seriously you just had to laugh!?" Nancy scolds me when all the others leave,

"I didn't mean to laugh! Ugh fucking hell I suck!" I bang my head against the wall,

"Stop that" Nancy grabs me,

"I am just not good for her! I am too fucked up I- I will just hurt her" I say,

"No you won't Max, El loves you and I am pretty sure you still love her" Robin says,

"But I'm a fucking junkie and a slut and a fucking suicidal cunt!"

"Don't say that!" Nancy smacks my leg,

"I could list more!  Prostitute! Whore! Child of abuse!"

"Shut up!" Robin says,

"I'm just saying! I am not someone who deserves El!" I say,

"Stop hating on yourself so much Max! You are good enough and you certainly will be once you get clean" Robin says,

"So you're saying drugs or El?" I frown,

"Don't tell me you really have to think about that" Nancy sighs,

"It is a hard choice! The addiction quite literally courses through my bloodstream forcing me to do stupid things! And El, well El is El " I smirk,

"God you are such a dumbass" Robin sighs,

"Taking those drugs was a one  time thing anyways! You have to have one final goodbye" I say,

"I swear to god Max if you are ever high again I will tell Hopper" Nancy says,

"Woah! We don't have to go that  overboard! Also con of El, Hopper! He totally hates me!" I say,

"Please don't tell me you have a pros and cons list" Nancy groans,

"Well hold on Nancy it might help" Robin grabs a piece of paper,

"Alright so pros for El.... she's sweet and cute and she cares about me, maybe a bit too much so make that a con maybe, but she cares about people can be on pros" I think,

"And pros for drugs, they make me feel good, they're fun, they-"

"You should not have pros for drugs Max!" Nancy frowns,

"Ugh well cons..... I guess they make me a bit spontaneous"

"A bit?" Robin laughs,

"You're right that should be a pro!" I beam,

"No!" Nancy smacks the paper from Robins hands,

"Just go talk to El" Robin sighs,

"Fine" I leave the kitchen and go to the locked bathroom where the others are trying to talk El out,

"Move" I sigh and they all step back,

"Well can you give us some space?" I ask them,

"Oh uh yea!" The rush into the other room,

"El?" I knock on the door,

"Go away Max" She sniffs,

"Can I come in? " I ask,

"And If you don't say yes I do have a paper clip" I lie,

"What's the point of god damn asking then" El unlocks the door and I go in,

"Look I'm sorry for laughing I just-"

"High! Yea I fucking know the drill" El rolls her eyes,

"Woah since when do you swear? Makes you sound hot" I smirk,

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