Part 14

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Max's POV

I couldn't get to sleep for the life of me, constantly checking the time to see it hasn't even been a minute since I last looked, I had the girl of my dreams cuddled into me and my stupid ass still couldn't get to sleep. Every time I close my eyes I was hit with a wave of anxiety, what if my mom came in the room? what if Neil came home drunk and tried to touch El? Sure I act all calm and cool around him but it's just a mask, even being near him gives me flash backs from what happened years ago, that man had the power to kill me. 

I carefully roll El off me and sneak out of bed, I grab one of the blunts I made before and take a seat on my windowsill, I open the window enough to remove the smell but I also keep is closed enough to keep El warm. I grab my walkman and turn on The Smiths, I play it quietly as I take my first hit, after inhaling enough I slowly blow it out the window and try to get comfortable as I repeat my action until it's out. I crush the remains and throw it out my window before closing it, I creep back into bed and soon enough I fall asleep.


"Max!" El shakes me awake,

"Huh?" I raise my head,

"We're going to be late!" She panics,

"Shit what's the time!?" I fully sit up,

"5:30am!!" She scrambles around the room,

"El we have like 2 hours!!" I say,

"2 and a half!" She says,

"Ellllll" I groan,

"Come on!" She drags me out of bed, I let her pull me all the way to the kitchen when she finally lets go and starts rummaging around, tired as hell I lay down on the table, there is a high chance I could still be stoned.

"Do you have eggos?" She asks,

"Freezer" I mumble,

"Yay!" She cheers,


"Max!" El suddenly claps in my face,

"Mm?" I lift my face up, it feels numb and drool runs down my cheek,

"Your lucky your a cute sleeper or else I would've woken you up 2 hours ago" She rolls her eyes,

"huh?" I rub my eyes and check my watch to see it's now 7,

"I made your breakfast, also I'm wearing your clothes because my ones stunk like your weed" She says,

"thanks" I mumble and start eating one of the waffles, suddenly my phone starts ringing so I answer,

"Maxine we're picking you uppppp" Gabbi says,

"Yea hurry up we are already outside" Penelope says,

"Coming" I hangup the phone,

"Rides here" I jump off the table and grab another waffle,

"You need to change!" El grabs my hand and takes me to my room, she throws a some clothes at me, 

"Okay but don't get too turned on" I grin and take off my top,

"Shut up" El goes bright red and tries to look away,

"Aww you think I'm hot" I pull her closer, 

"I do not" Her eyes dart around the room trying not to look at me, I swiftly push her onto the bed and get on top of her,

"Sure about that?" I smirk, in an instant she grabs my face and pushes her lips against mine, I start kissing her back and pry my tongue into her mouth taking dominance,

"MAX!" I hear Gabbi yell from outside as the car horn blasts, 

"Better not take too long" I pull back from El and watch her lick her lips, 

"H-Hurry up them" She pushes me away and gets back on her feet, I finish changing and tie up my hair on the way out the door, I pull El along side me and laugh at the looks on my shocked friends faces,

"You're back together!?" Gracie asks as we get in the backseat beside her,

"No" I chuckle,

"Then what were you doing?" Gracie asks,

"El was supervising my marijuana intake, hooked up and then we made waffle-"

"Max!" El smacks my arm,

"Ok well I didn't make waffles El did" I say,

"Gross" Penelope shudders and begins to drive,

"So if you're hooking up why aren't you back together?" Gabbi asks,

"Taking it slow" I shrug,

"That's responsible of you" Gracie smiles,

"The boys will totally flip when they hear about this" Gabbi chuckles,

"Thats why we aren't telling them" I say,

"Except Will" El adds,

"Yea this is just for the girls okay?" I say,

"Plus Will" El adds,

"Will is basically a girl" Gabbi laughs,

"Just don't tell anyone, especially you Penelope, you better keep your trap shut" I narrow my eyes at her,

"Your secret is safe with me!" She smiles,

"Okay but back up, how much 'marijuana intake' was there? because I thought you quit" Gracie asks,

"I can't go cold turkey again, that was torture, so now I'm just doing just a wee smidge of weed" I wink,

"Why did you wink?" She frowns,

"Because she is obviously doing more than just a smidge" Gabbi chuckles,

"Why aren't you like flipping out?" Gracie asks El,

"She promised she'd let me help her get better" El shrugs,

"Seems like a shitty deal to me" Gabbi adds,

"Speaking of, when you are next like feining, let me know" El turns to me,

"Sounds like she's going to use sex as a distraction" Penelope laughs,

"Well like..... how about right now?"  I smirk,

"Right now? Didn't you last smoke like last night?" El asks,

"Er well no I did it this morning.. well late last night, around 3am I'm not sure I couldn't sleep" I say,

"Thats like 4 hours ago Max! How are you already feeling withdrawal!?" El smacks me,

"It's an addiction! I can't help it!" I say,

"Bruh" Gracie laughs,

"Okay well here eat this" El pulls out a bag of candy out of her bag,

"Gummy bears? ARE THEY EDIBLES!?" I scan the packaging,

"No! Sugar helps when you're quitting, I read it" She says,

"Oh right" I open the bag and pop a few in my mouth,

"Well if Max has to eat gummy bears whenever she wants drugs then she gonna be fat as fuckkkkk!!" Gabbi laughs,

"You will be obese by the end of summer" Penelope joins in,

"Actually theres 100 calories in a packet of gummy bears and women burn around 69 calories during sex but our hot sex would burn about 90 and thats only one round, on average we probably fuck about 8 times a day so I'd say by the end of summer Max will be ripped" El smirks making me burst into a fit of laughter, 

"Gross" Gabbi gags, Gracies face goes a shade of bright red and Penelope screams.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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