I am done with you

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As a month past since the girls were given another chance but they shown no signs of them regretting what they did and now they were talking bad about him like they done everything for him but what they didn't know is that Izuku was listening the whole time and was glad that he broke most of them gem that represents every girl due ti their hair color only except for Momo since she still got hers. During the whole month after both Izuku and Momo are engaged to each other she shows more and more of her love for Izuku as Izuku does the same for her mostly Izuku has been trying to spend time fleury all the girls but they told him that they had other things to do which made him feel like they do not want him and he sees it perfectly clear as before the month ended and so he destroyed the gem that he created for them and now he has Momo so far and they are having a good time together as they made it back to the dorms and they now know that the girls are talking bad/shit about Izuku.

Ochako: you know Izuku said he's done everything for us but I don't see it I don't regret cheating a month ago.

Nejire: agreed I only said what I said so he can believe me.

Kendo: that's true he has no idea how to satisfy a girl I don't know why Momo is still with him she can do much better then what she has now.

As the girls hears half of the others moaning to the boys.

Mina: man I'm glad we are doing this and trust me Momo is a dumbass to get engaged with that nobody he's not gonna be the #1 hero it's gonna be either Katsuki or Shoto they know what it takes to be a hero.

As Izuku looks at Momo and takes her by the hand that made her jolt up as she looks at him and he took her and went to Nezus office.

Nezu: ah Mr. And Mrs. Yagi what can I do for the 2 of you?

Izuku: yes um I'm gonna be the #1 hero right?

Nezu: Why yes right after you graduate. Why are you asking?

Izuku: I need a request that might fit your fancy if your ok with that.

Nezu: ok tell me what is that you need future symbol of peace.

Izuku: I need you to put everyone that's in Class A and B back to their first year

As Momo cough on her saliva as Nezu looks at Izuku as if he's crazy.

Nezu: may I ask why you want me to do this not that I mind but give me a reason why I should do this?

Izuku: well for starters I want these dumbass people to know that I'm not the type of person to get run over as if I'm a damn nobody and 2 a month ago I have these bitches I called ex girlfriends and friends a chance that me and my Creati wife here caught during the time and today they ruined their chances and I want them to go back to 1st year and have Aizawa give them hellish training where they are gonna train all day and night and to make sure to do it give him lots of coffee and give him an anti rocket and have it fire it at them if they slack off even a second.

As Aizawa stood up with his shit eating grin as Momo Izuku and Nezu knows that he totally agrees with it.

Aizawa: Nezu I'm all in for this and Nephew I'm gonna do a lot more then just fire rocket launchers at them I might get myself a tank to get their blood moving.

Izuku: be my guest do whatever you see fit scared them into submission if they even decide to slack off expel their ass if you have too.

Aizawa: *looks at Nezu* I better get paid for this

Nezu: *smirks wickedly* granted I want to see them suffer for thinking they are the shit to my best student.

As Momo just sat there just being glad she's not on the receiving end of getting an ass whooping from Aizawa.

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