Mini wedding and honeymoon pt2

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After they had their fun all night they slept the day in as they cuddled as Izuku finally matched her lust. As the next day since they slept the whole day Izuku woke up to Momo throwing up at first Izuku thought that it was just morning sickness as he went to go rub on her back. After she was done she checked to see if she was pregnant and it came back positive and they both cheered of having a child together. During their honeymoon back at Ua Katsuki and Shoto been demanding to see both Izuku and Momo Izuku so they can beat the shot out of him for not being depressed and Momo so they can rape them but they kept being browned away from Aizawa and Nezu  telling them if they made another demand like that they would be expel and they backed off but still wanted to fight him so they can prove that they are better but failing to realize that they are not. One time during the couple honeymoon Shoto tries to have Endeavor force a marriage with Momo so he can have Izuku sad so he and Katsuki can kick his ass then and have everyone laugh at him but Enji told him no and shoot him away and Shoto threatened to tell Japan what he did and Enji told him go ahead knowing that he was bluffing and Shoto stumped away that nothing is going his way so now he went to tue LOV which he didn't know that he was being followed at all completely and he talked to Shigaraki about framing Izuku and they are now in business. During the time while jirou is chilling by herself Aizawa came in and told her that there would be a new patch of transfer students that would be coming within a week as she was cool with it. As Aizawa came back he saw Hawks talking to Nezu about something and he joined.

Aizawa: what are you talking about Hawks?

Hawks: a student that goes here is the Ua traitor.

Aizawa: what that's impossible who could it be?

Hawks: who else the #1 hero son Shoto Todoroki he planning on doing something for what I don't know.

As Aizawa and Nezu looks at each other and Nezu calls Enji and tell him to come up there with Detective Nasoma. As they made it up there Nezu told them about Shoto and Enji was absolutely furious that his dumbass son is willing to go this far just to have Momo all to himself.

Enji: bring him NOW!!!!

As He said that with venom that got them scared. As shoto was approaching the gates Hawks spots him and quickly put canceling quirk cuffs on him which surprised him the most since he was being investigated for something. As Hawks brought him to Nezu office as he sees Nezu himself and the rest of the hero's retired and all including Izuku parents Toshinri and Inko Yagi along with Izumi (yes Izumi is older then Izuku she's the #5 hero and took the name of Green telekinesis from Inko). He was getting scared of what was happening.

Shoto: what's happening here why is it that im here?

Enji: you should know you little shit going to the LOV to frame Izuku Yagi.

Shoto: who said that I was going to frame him what proof do you have.

Hawks: it was me I was the one who saw you going to them.

Shoto: that's a lie I never went to them.

Nasoma: that's a lie

Shoto: huh?

Nasoma: your lying you went to them and by the way it seems that you were trying to frame him how much did you go threw?

Shoto: fine I did try to frame him only why because he got my bitch I don't like that shit and Endeavor here is a abusive bitch he doesn't want me to marry Momo.

Enji: yea because force marriage is illegal dumbass  I'm not gonna force her to marry you just because she's dating or married to Izuku Yagi I'm sorry to say this but your not my son anymore I'm disowning you from the family.


Endeavor: you already are I didn't raise you to be a spoiled little bitch.

As they searched everything that Shoto had they checked his phone and see a photoshopped picture of Izuku with the LOV but see that it's rigged since Shoto hair was in it and they took him to the most maxed prison where AFO is at and put him there that was set for life by the judge who was also there at the meting as well. With Izuku and Momo as they continued spending time together on their honeymoon Izuku had a weird feeling that something bad is gonna happen but sensed that it's fine and it caught his wife attention.

Momo: what's wrong honey?

Izuku: I have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen but it went away quickly.

Momo: oh do you think we can handle it?

Izuku: no not that I know of because it's already taken care of.

Momo: hai ohhhh Izu look at that.

As she points at the hut that had a couple dance and she was excited since she's married to Izuku and she dragged him over there as he went with her reluctantly since he was dragged over with her and he didn't mind dancing with her since he wants her to be happy. On their last day of the honeymoon bith of them are watching the ocean together as Momo is sitting on her hubby cock enjoying both that and the ocean.

Momo: Izu thank you for the honeymoon I enjoyed myself.

Izuku: I did too baby I'm glad that you haven't cheated on me unlike those whores back at Ua.

Momo:*cuff his head to her shoulder* I would never cheat on you baby I love you to much to do that my love no matter how the hardship is I love you for you and not because your a dick like the other boys.

As Izuku and Momo got up she turns around to hug him as he hours her back and kissed her as she kissed back.

As Izuku and Momo got up she turns around to hug him as he hours her back and kissed her as she kissed back

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Izumomo: I love you Momo/Izuku.

As they went back to their love nest they make out for a while until they fell asleep with Momo sleeping on Izuku entirely.

That's the end of this chapter

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