Bellabooty confession (short)

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After Ruby and Weiss confess their feelings for Izuku and starts dating him Blake wanted to see how good of a boyfriend Izuku was and wanted to test it out and so she went to him as he was cooking.

Blake: hey Izuku mind if I talk to you?

Izuku: sure is right now a good time?

Blake: sure I just wanted to make a confession.

As he turns to her as he smiles which made her blush.

Izuku: well what's your confession?

Blake: well I wanted to tell you that I love you and wanted to know if we can go on a date sometime either today or tomorrow.

Izuku: ok how about tomorrow at 7 pm and sorry when I say this but there's a cat cafe that's gonna be close until 11pm what do you say?

Blake: cat cafe you say?

Izuku: um yea is that wrong for me to bring it up?

Blake: n-no knowing me as a cat if there's a cafe about cats I'm gonna see it as a park I don't mind going at all actually.

As Blake was excited that she gets to go to a cafe that perfectly fits her as she jumps hip and down and did it all around as she forgot that her ass was jiggling as she was moving around which Izuku had a nosebleed.

Izuku:(damn I know why everyone calls her bellabooty that ass is fat)

As he finished cooking and soon everyone joined as Momo sat next to her hubby very closely. They both fed each other often a lot they both were full. As the day goes by everyone went to sleep as the girls joined both Izuku and Momo as Blake joined as they welcomed her as she laid on Izuku legs which was comfortable then soon after uncomfortable and laid on Izuku hard head and neck which was kinda strange as to how his neck was that strong. Soon it was the next day Blake went home to get ready as her Momo asked why was she so worked up and happy and she told her that she has a date with a boy that she loves and soon a black car showed up.

 Soon it was the next day Blake went home to get ready as her Momo asked why was she so worked up and happy and she told her that she has a date with a boy that she loves and soon a black car showed up

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Kali: um Blake dear is this the boy your talking about?

As Blake went to the window she saw a Blake cat and remembered seeing one at Ua.

Blake: yes that's him mom

As Izuku got out of the car as both of the women blushed at his attire and how good he looked.

As he made it to the door Kali opens the door as she welcomes him in as she gotten wet from it and Izuku thanks her which made her wet even more by the way he spoke

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As he made it to the door Kali opens the door as she welcomes him in as she gotten wet from it and Izuku thanks her which made her wet even more by the way he spoke. Izuku looked at Blake who looked beautifully gorgeous.

 Izuku looked at Blake who looked beautifully gorgeous

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Izuku: wow you look beautiful

Blake: t-thank you baby my Mom helped me with this.

Izuku: well I believe it's time to go right?

Blake: yes I believe it's time.

As Izuku held his arm out as she took it and they walked out. As Izuku helped her get into the car as she got in he got in and drove to the cat cafe.

The moment they got in a cat with white fur looked at Blake as Blake looked at the cat as she randomly went towards the cat as they both started show signs of affection by purring

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The moment they got in a cat with white fur looked at Blake as Blake looked at the cat as she randomly went towards the cat as they both started show signs of affection by purring. The date that the both had was fantastic as they had a good time there at the cat cafe and soon both are tired and they left as Izuku paid the bill. Soon they left to go back to the dorm room.

That's the end of this chapter

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