Ua staff

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As a month past since the transfer students came as they became best friends as Tenya being an asshole telling them to go back to where they came from as Izuku whooped the shit out of him as everyone gather chatting fight a teacher came in and stopped Izuku from attacking Tenya again.

Glynda: stop fighting this instance and get to class right all of you.

As everyone scattered like coach roaches as she yelled. Afterwards she went towards the office to file the incident report about the fight as Nezu and the rest of the staff came in.

Ozpin: ah there you are what are you doing?

Glynda: filing a report about a fight

Nezu: for whom exactly?

Glynda: a boy with green hair and a boy with blue hair .

Nezu: so Izuku Yagi and Tenya Iida huh I kinda expected that.

Glynda: sir if I may what's with these 2 anyways why is Yagi fighting Iida?

Nezu: before hand Izuku and Tenya were once friends until he broke the bro code of dating one of his harem trust me he is known for having a stick up his ass.

Ozpin: so what does that have to do with Yagi here fighting him?

Nezu: my best guess is that he did something to piss him off all we need to do is ask them.

Glynda: that's a good idea but they do need some type of punishment if you ask me.

Just as Nezu was about ti agree Izuku knocked on the door and came in and saw both Ozpin and Glynda.

Izuku: oh good you here as well that's great.

Glynda: what does that suppose to mean?

Izuku: sorry about that Miss I don't mean no disrespect but when I say that I meant that on a good way actually.

Ozpin: so tell us why are you here today?

Izuku: I want to tell her thank you for separating me from that idiot who I was fighting and I would accept my punishment that you give me. I'll also tell you why I did it.

Nezu: is it because Tenya said something out of line that lead you to fighting him making his body ache in pain like the little bitch he is?

Ozpin: wow I'm impressed if you got that right but I'm guessing the same thing as well.

Izuku: well yes for one he literally told the transfer students who are my best friends even though I know them I knew them for a month to go back to where they came from you do know I could've killed him for shit like this.

Nezu: I know wait what repeat what he just said to me again?

As Glynda and Ozpin listen closely to what he said.

Izuku: he said GO BACK TO WHERE YOU COME FROM to Team RWBY,CPNR I'm not gonna allow him to disrespect them like they are nothing they are people at the end of the day.

Glynda:(wow I never thought as to why he did that I thought he did it just to gain other's attention)

Nezu: alright but I will put you in under house arrest for fighting but it's only gonna be a week you can train if you want I'm allowing you to do that ok?

Izuku: hai and I want to say my apologies for the way j in acted earlier and if it wasn't for you *looks at Glynda* I would've probably killed him.

Nezu:(not that I mind) don't worry even the #1 hero make mistakes.

Ozpin: he's right you make mistakes and you don't what you made is not a mistake you defended your friends without hesitation we need people like that not many people who can do that so don't worry.

Glynda:  he's right but next time give them a scare next time.

As Ozpin was shocked to say the least as she agrees with them since she can something kill the mood but he was glad that she loosen up for a bit. As he left they looked at her as she was crumbling the paper and threw it away.

Ozpin: that was something I never thought you would loosen up an hour ago you was willing to write them both up that led to a suspension.

Glynda: after he came and told us what that boy done to Team RWBY and CPNR is infuriating he needs to learn his place.

Nezu: actually I got something else going on with it that boy he went on far enough he speak off rules but he doesn't even follow them himself so now I'm gonna have him go to a military school so they can bitch him around  like the bitch he is.

Ozpin: something I wasn't expecting but that'll do.

Glynda: you got anything better?

Ozpin: no not really I approve of letting him go there he needs to learn to not step up to people who are much stronger then him.

With Izuku as he got back to the dorms he saw everyone chilling and the girls hugged him for defending them and hitch Momo didn't mind due ti talking to them about sharing Izuku as he was out at the time.

Ruby: I wanted to tell you thank you for defending us

Weiss: yes what you did was quite noble of you to do that.

Blake: yea never knew you were the person to defend your friends I have high respect for you.

Yang: not gonna lie that was sexy of you to do that for us.

As Izuku blushed to her flirting with him as they giggled along with Momo.

Momo:(still the same Izu when a girl flirt with him)

Nora: do you  want any pancakes zu?

Izuku: no thank you for the food Nora

Nora: ok

As Izuku went to his room as Momo followed him and she made it to his room as she saw him flop down on the bed as she came over and lays on him startling him.

Izuku: baby if you gonna lay in me at least let Ke know you scare the absolute shit out of just now.

Momo:*giggles* sorry my king I thought you knew I was behind you but I was wrong.

Izuku: don't worry it's fine now.

Momo: so what did Nezu say?

Izuku: he gave me a week of house arrest which I don't mind at all actually but I believe that something is gonna happen to that dickless sonic.

Momo: hey don't offend sonic he did nothing wrong to you.

Izuku:hehehe your right he hasn't done nothing wrong well let me put it like this that dickless bastard how's that?

Momo: well done that's more like it I'm surprised that the staff stopped you for hurting his dumbass all the way till death but then again we are gonna be hero's.

Blake: your right

As both scream as they see Blake reading a book but she did jump as they screamed a little.

Momo: how long you have been here?

Blake: since you mentioned that dickless bastard which you both agree to not mention sonic since it's an offense which I agree with as well.

As they lion to see that the door was open and they look back to see her laying down after reading her book.

Izuku: hehehe I forgot she's part cat so it makes since how she got in here without making noise.

Momo: you do know I was gonna do something naughty until she she showed up.

Blake: I don't mind if you do it don't mind me at all.

Momo: don't worry some other time ok.

Blake: ok.

As they slept for awhile until it was the late evening as they joined the rest of the group as they laughed and talked about their day and all.

That's the end of this chapter.

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