Izuku and agent bombshell date and lemon (short)

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Now after Ruby,Weiss, and Bellaboo- I mean Belladonna starts dating Izuku Yang was the last of the team to date him as she wanted him just as how Momo wanted him that's right down and dirty and somewhat yandere-ish. Right now Yang see Izuku training right now and doesn't have a shirt on as she started drooling until Ruby and a pregnant Momo came along and saw that. As they both looked at each tigger and nodded and went over to her.

Ruby: hey big sis!

Yang: hm? Oh hey Ruby and Momo what brings you 2 here?

Momo: go and confess to Izu

Yang: w-what do you mean by tha-

Ruby: Yang we both know that you love him just like the rest of us.

Yang: do girls think that he like big chest?

Momo: uh aren't you forgetting me I have a big chest and trust me if he dies with no regrets lying in your chest he wouldn't.

As Yang remembers one time she saw Izuku in Momo big chest as he snuggles in it as Momo giggles and she see that could be her as well and soon out of the blue she jumped off and ran towards him.

Ruby: wow never thought that whatever she thought of could be that interesting.

Momo: I do actually

Ruby: meaning?

Momo: She saw my and Izu snuggle in my chest one time and she hoped that it could be her and now she's getting that chance

Ruby: ohhhhh..... wait a minute

Momo: yep she's gonna get that treatment right now

As Ruby looks at the bombshell and green hair moss hugging each other as she also put his head in her chest as he blushed.

Momo: *giggles* oh my~ Izu is blushing up a storm.

Ruby: I know I forgot how cute that was when he does that

Soon Yang and Izuku went in their date as he used a motorcycle which Yang find that awesome that it was different colors. When Izuku took Yang she wanted was to go to the pool since they were extra hot (and a wink....if you get it you get it and pause a on Izuku side but not on team bombshell)  right now since both Ying and Yang (yep I said it and I know it's cheesy) are together Yang has been holding Izuku hand for a while and soon she wanted to sit on Izuku and kiss him and she thought why not and soon she did and next she started to kiss Izuku as he was shocked but kissed her back.

if you get it you get it and pause a on Izuku side but not on team bombshell)  right now since both Ying and Yang (yep I said it and I know it's cheesy) are together Yang has been holding Izuku hand for a while and soon she wanted to sit on Izuku ...

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Yang: thank you baby for this day I love you I always will unlike those bitches who cheated on you.

Izuku: I love you too and at least you are better then them so don't worry about it.

Soon after both Izuku and Yang left to go back to the dorms and soon when they got there instead going to Izuku room they went to Yangs since the girls are having a sleepover there and soon Yang showed Izuku her lingerie.

Soon after both Izuku and Yang left to go back to the dorms and soon when they got there instead going to Izuku room they went to Yangs since the girls are having a sleepover there and soon Yang showed Izuku her lingerie

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Izuku:*boner shot up*(got damnit and hot damn)

As they had their fun as Yang did the same thing Momo did which was put scratches on his back but in different places from where Momo put it as she also bit him which made him cum very quickly which was a new for him since no one ever did that but he didn't care at all. The next day Izuku woke up to seeing Momo and Team Rwby sleeping on him as he see that he's gonna need a bigger bed then before but glad that he has a new harem.

Izuku:(to be honest I'm quite glad that those bimbos cheated on me with those dumbasses this is a new life that I'm willing to live with.)

That's the end of this chapter sorry if this seems short but yea that's the end of this chapter

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