chapter 1

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Sorry ch 1 is short the others won't be! (This is already posted on Ao3 just forgot I had this account on here :))

!!CW!! Cuts/ bruises/ blood/ (all minor and mentioned briefly)

The mansion they were taken to was dark and enchanting. It reminded James of a haunted house. He didn't have much time to admire or become fearful of the exterior before he was shoved forward into the manor.

The two had been caught while trying to infuriate a Death Eater meeting for information. On the bright side, the two had gotten a few curses in before being disarmed, even then the two started muggle fighting. James had taken two down before getting bound and Sirius was working on his third when he was tied down. That didn't stop the dark-haired boy from spitting and screaming though.

Sirius was still running his mouth like normal, criticizing the death eaters that held them as they walked. James tried multiple times to cast wandless magic to try and loosen his binding but to no avail.

The two were brought to a large room that resembled a sitting room but with very high ceilings. James was shoved down, wincing his knees connecting hard with the marble floor. The same was done to Sirius.

No one spoke, not until there were footsteps approaching, "What have we here," said a smooth voice. James watched as a man with dark hair and crimson eyes came into view. James didn't have to ask to know who he was.


The dark wizard looked the two boys up and down, "Lock them up with the other one," James glared at the man, "They may prove to be useful,"

Both boys are dragged, struggling against the ones holding them. They are taken down to a dungeon. The room was dark and damp. The only light coming from the torches emitted a yellow grow.

The two were thrown into the cells and left alone.

"Now what?" James sat on the cold floor.

"Now we wait," Sirius's voice gets higher with every word, "We wait till our friends come AND GET US! THEN WE'LL BURN THESE BASTARDS!" His voice echoed leaving silence.

"Long time no see," Both boys' heads snapped at the croaked voice sitting in the dark corner. Sirius blinked while James' breath hitched at the sight. The owner or the voice was curled up covered in bruises and cuts. The boy had obviously been beaten and tortured. When Voldemort had said "the other one" neither Order member had expected that "one" to be Regulus Arcturus Black.

"What's wrong don't recognize me, brother?"


"Reg?" Sirius' voice came out as a croak, directed toward the cell next to James's, "What are you doing here?"

The other boy before stared before responding, face void of emotion, "Thought it would be a good vacation spot,"

Sirius blinked again processing the sarcasm, "What?"

Reg rolled his eyes, "I got caught doing something HE didn't like,"

"Get cold feet?" Sirius asked a little bitter, shock wearing off.

"They were never warm, to begin with,"

"Can we cut with the black dramatics," James cut in trying to keep his voice steady. Both black brothers looked up immediately, "Good," James turned to Regulus, "Now, what. Happened?"

"I... I found a way to kill him..." Regulus kept his voice low like he was scared someone was listening, "And I stole it,"

James' eyes went wide.

James didn't know what to say. He hadn't seen Reg since his last year at Hogwarts, and they hadn't left on great terms.

When Reg had shown James the mark and insisted he had a plan James thought he'd lost his mind. Thought the Black madness had gotten to him or worse his mother. After that, he tried to avoid Regulus at all costs in order to avoid the pain of losing him.

But now seeing him. Here. So hurt and maybe even on their side? James was at a loss for what to feel.

Lucky Sirius made up for his lack of words, "A way to kill him...?" Reg nodded, eyes drooping like he was going to fall asleep, "This is... a lot,"

Ya think, James thought.

Regulus seemed to think so too, so much so that he was falling asleep or falling unconscious. James hoped it wasn't the latter and that Reg wasn't seriously hurt to the point of passing out. Well, it was obvious he was hurt. He had bruises and what looked to be claw marks, as well as a clean cut through his left arm. Right through the dark mark. And that were just the injuries James could see.

"Are you okay?" The question came out of his mouth before he could stop it.

Regulus lifted his head and softened his eyes, "Just tried, I've been stuck in here for a week,"

"Wait where is it then?" Sirius asked, "The weapon?"

"I can't tell you,"



"Because they're still looking for it," James interrupted, "Right?" Reg nodded again, thankful for having to speak much. He had been sleeping (or trying to sleep) when Sirius and James had been brought in. He didn't really have that much energy at the moment.

They sat in silence for a moment before Sirius spoke again, "Well, you can leave with us. Remus, we'll know we are missing he'll come to get us,"

Regulus always admired his brother's optimism, he hoped he was right. The door of the dungeon creaked open. Regulus closed his eyes and knew that like usual, his brother was probably wrong.

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