chapter 2

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!CW! torture/mentions of blood/

Regulus remained silent as he was hit with another curse, just like he had since he had been captured. But he'd be lying to himself if he said he wasn't close to breaking. Every day he was pulled out of his cell and dragged up to the grand sitting room and practically tortured. He knew this was to be expected, except Reg hadn't expected it.

He hadn't planned on leaving that cave alive. He had planned to die. Yes, it was a morbid and depressing plan but he didn't want to deal with the fallout. This. And it's not like he had anything to live for. Sirius had left and never talked to him again, and James... well Regulus had given up on that dream a long time ago.

But now they were here.

And Reg was scared. Scared because he still cared for them. And he couldn't risk Voldemort finding out.

Regulus winced as another curse is shot his way. He was already laying on the floor curled in on himself. He didn't even try to stay standing anymore, he'd start out the interrogations on his knees and end on his side fully out of breath.

"Wait," a voice spoke up causing the stream of curses to pause.

"Wait for what? We have to break him or it's our heads on the line,"

The younger voice responded, "This isn't working though, he's too stubborn, and he'll end up dead at this rate,"

"I haven't heard one scream," Regulus hated how the spoke like he wasn't in the room. It was really annoying.

"Just trust me,"

"No offense, Crouch, but you're not exactly the trusting type,"

"Look, all I'm saying is we try another method," Barty gave Reg a look that couldn't be read, "Perhaps it would prove more fruitful,"

The older Death Eater thought on this for a moment, "Fine, you put him up, then we can talk about this method of yours,"

Regulus felt a hand grab under his arm and hoist him up. It wasn't harsh but it was enough to force Reg's head to spin as he regained his bearings. Reg kept his balance somewhat as he stumbled down the stairs to the cells.

He tripped over his own foot when Barty threw him into his cell, the one next to James (The universe must have had a sense of humor). Luckily he caught himself quickly enough before hitting his head. But just long enough before his arms gave out from under him and he collapsed, exhausted.

"Hey, Crouch, try to be more careful," Regulus heard his brother shouting.

"Sorry traitors don't get special treatment," The younger boy just kept walking, the iron gate slamming behind him. Then silence.

"Regulus?" James spoke first.

"Is he okay?" Sirius asked from the other side of the room, concern lacing his voice.

James got closer to the bars that separated him and Regulus, "Reggie?"

James's voice was almost a whisper but Regulus heard the crack in his voice. It made Regulus's heart break. He hated it when he sounded like that. When he sounded lost or broken.

"I'm fine," Regulus managed to choke out, "Just tired,"

"Then... just rest then,"

Regulus scoffed, "That was the plan," Regulus let his eyes close.


"- one thing we could do is attack Barty when he comes to take Reg then take the keys and... James?" Sirius looked over to his friend, "James!"

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