chapter 5

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!CW! lots of emotional angst/ mentions of death/ mentions of wanting to die(only to end torture)/ concussion/

Remus had been pacing the floor of his and Sirius's shared apartment since he had got home from the meeting. It had been a week and a half since Sirius and James had gone missing on a mission. And it had been a week and a half since Remus had gotten any sleep.

Dumbledor had said as soon as they had a lead they would do everything they could. But until then, to stay put and do nothing. Remus quite literally hated doing nothing. He was buzzing out of his skin. He needed something to do.

The pecking at Remus's window pulled him from thought. He furrowed his brows as he walked over. He had never seen this owl before.

If you want them back, I can help.

Meet me in Muggle London at the address below. Come alone.

Remus held the letter tightly in his hand. It was a trap. It had to be. And it was dumb. And Reckless. Sirius and James would kill him for even considering it.

Remus grabbed his coat and apparated to the address on the parchment.

He apperated in an ally close to the location so he wouldn't get caught by anyone. And so he could scope out who sent the letter. If it was a trap (which it probably was) Remus would be able to make a quick escape.

He saw the muggle cafe he was meant to meet the writer in. Not exactly a sketchy place like Remus was expecting.

Remus walked over cautiously, looking around for anyone who doesn't belong. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw him.


"I knew you'd recognize me," Barty smirked.

Remus pulled out a chair and sat across from him, "What's with the café?"

"What can I say, they make fabulous muffins here," Crouch takes a bite out of the muffin in front of him.

"Where are they?" Remus says.

"Right to it then?" Barty sighs.

"Don't make me ask again,"

"Scary," Barty said unimpressed, "There in a manner one owned by one of the Sacred 28,"


"Now hold on. There are a few things you need to know before you just go in guns blazing,"

"Like what?" Remus didn't care what he had to do to get them back, "Is You Know Who walking around the halls?"

"No. But Bellatrix is," Barty clarified, "Sirius and James are locked up in the cellar. So is Regulus,"

"Regulus," Remus furrowed his brows, "As in Sirius's brother? Why?"

"He betrayed the dark Lord. He's just as much an enemy of you know who is you are. He's the one who told me to contact you,"

"There's no way," Remus was looking around, "This is a trap,"

"No, it's not,"

"Yes, it is you're trying to lure me in and kill me,"

"If I wanted you dead you'd be dead right now," Barty sat up, "What? do you think the fact that we're in a Muggle café changes anything? Do you know who doesn't care about collateral damage?"

"Then why are you telling me this? You're a death eater why risk your life to save theirs?" Remus still couldn't make sense of this.

"Because I've only lost one friend," Barty said, "I don't plan on losing another one,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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