Chapter 18

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"Good morning, Mrs. Glenny," Flix said.

"Oh, Mr. Flix! Good morning! More magazines! Thank you, so much. You are spoiling me, you know," said Mrs. Glenny. "And a good howdy-do, Baby. I swear, Mr. Flix, I do think her coat is shinier than I have ever seen it. Staying with Mr. Flix agrees with you, Baby. Doesn't it, precious."

Baby barked her agreement.

"Oh, Mrs. Glenny, perish the thought. You are putting ideas into Baby's head. I am just Baby's sitter. That is all."

"Pay him no attention, pretty Baby girl. Your coat is shinier, whether your gruff old master wants to admit it or not. Come with me. I've got your favorite dog food, and we'll get you some fresh water. That's my Baby."

"Are there any messages?" asked Flix.

"Yes, there are. Several. They are on your desk."

"A model of efficiency. Enjoy your magazines, Mrs. Glenny."

"Oh, I will, Mr. Flix. I will," said the secretary.

He heard Mrs. Glenny in the backroom getting the dog settled for the day. Flix sat at his desk and unfolded his paper. He was wearing a fierce frown when Phalen entered.

"I know," said Phalen. "It's horrible. They found that second girl's body."

"And," said Flix, "according to the latest edition, that incompetent coroner is trying to tie the two together before he had all the facts."

"You don't think they're related?" Phalen asked.

"It's too early to come to any conclusion. They feel like two separate killers, Phalen. The first girl's body was hidden in a shallow grave in the woods. This girl was found out in the open, displayed as if the killer wanted her discovered. If you study the description given by the reporters, it is almost like the second victim was posed. If it is the same killer, he is growing more brazen. To have hidden the first girl in the woods versus not seems like two different people to me."

"Yeah," said Phalen, "I see what you mean."

"Granted, in the first instance, her body would have been discovered eventually because those woods are frequented by park visitors, but she was not left in a vacant lot by a crowded street as victim number two was. And papers say that the second girl was 'criminally assaulted.' I have read nothing about the first victim being sexually violated in any way. Of course, victim number two was older. But, you and I both know, very young girls are assaulted by depraved men."

"And," said Phalen, "the second victim was stabbed, according to the papers."

"Yes. But our speculation is useless," said Flix, "We are mere armchair detectives in these cases. No one has requested our assistance. And they are not going to. But Mrs. Lime, on the other hand, has.

Did you uncover anything last night?"

"Nothing. Mr. Lime went home, and as far as I could tell, spent the whole night there."

"Unless," said Flix, "he has some backdoor or underground secret passage that allows him to come and go without"

"Surely, you jest," said Phalen.

"Surely, I do," said Flix. "Oh, well. All we can do is watch Mr. Lime and hope his wife does not take it in her head to retain us for another two weeks."

"Here, here."

"Take a few days off. You deserve them," said Flix. "I've dropped the ball, letting you shoulder this case alone. I was distracted with cataloging all that I'd found in the woods. But it wasn't fair to you. I apologize. Go home. Get some sleep. I'll take over the surveillance. If I turn up nothing, I will contact Mrs. Lime and try to convince her that she is wasting her money. It feels unethical to keep charging the woman for nothing," Flix said.

"Not to mention wasting our time," Phalen said.

"I only hope I can convince her to be reasonable," Flix said.

"That," Phalen said, "may be impossible."

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