Chapter 8 - Ai's Mission

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"As the guardian of the Numeron Code, I will go first. My turn! Draw!" She declared, taking the first turn.

"Hey! Wait! You get to draw first?!" He asked, surprised by this.

"Yes. All Duels have the first player draw first. Do you not have that same rule on your world?" Enna asked, confused by Ai's reaction. Ai shook his head.

"No, we don't. It's always the second player that draws first." He said before quickly adding, "But I'm cool playing by your rules!" The Astral woman nodded.

"Very well. I will begin by playing Double Summon, which allows me to make a second Normal Summon this turn in addition to my first one! First, I Summon Bujin Yamato!" (LIGHT; Level 4; ATK: 1800; DEF: 200) A humanoid warrior wearing dark red and gold armor appeared before Enna.

Ai was stunned by the hairstyle and overall appearance of the Monster. 'Okay, that's freaky. That thing kinda looks like one of Yuma's friends, Judai Yuki.' He thought to himself. He snapped out of it to focus on the Duel.

"For my second Normal Summon, I Summon Bujin Mikazuchi!" (LIGHT; Level 4; ATK: 1900; DEF: 1500) This Monster had dark blue and silver armor with spiky hair. He didn't know why, but Ai suspected it resembled someone else on another world. Possibly someone Judai knows. "Now I Overlay the Level 4 Bujin Yamato and Bujin Mikazuchi! With these two Monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Ancient blue warrior! Wield your mythical blade and strike down your foe! Xyz Summon! Appear, Bujintei Kagusuchi!" (LIGHT; Rank 4; ATK: 2500; DEF: 2000) Now it seemed the blue warrior from earlier just got a better suit of blue and silver armor and had four "blades" on his back covered in blue flames. It also held a sword and shield.

"That's what I call being "fired up"." Ai couldn't help saying to himself. He then noticed something odd. "Hold it! You Summoned your Xyz Monster in one of your Main Monster Zones?!" Enna appeared confused again.

"What do you mean by "Main" Monster Zones?" She asked. Ai decided to explain.

"In my world, there are two rows of Monster Zones in Duel Monsters. There's the 5 Main Monster Zones, where all main Deck Monsters are Summoned in. Then there is another row called Extra Monster Zones, where Extra Deck Monsters are Summoned. There are only 2 of those though."

"Meaning you can only Summon Monsters from the Extra Deck in those particular Zones?" Enna asked in surprise. Ai nodded. "I see. We certainly do not have those here. Is this going to affect your dueling strategy?" The Dark Ignis shook his head.

"Nah, it's fine. I did say I would play by your rules, and I'm sticking to that! Thanks for letting me know!" Ai said with a goofy smile. 'So this means I gotta pick my Monster Zones carefully when my turn starts. I should still be okay with what I have in mind.' Ai thought.

"Are there other differences I should be aware of?" Enna asked. Ai thought for a second before asking another question.

"I don't suppose you know about Link Monsters or other kinds of Extra Deck Monsters other than Xyz Monsters, do you?" Ai asked in return.

"I have seen Fusion, Synchro, and Pendulum Monsters when I dueled those three humans. I am also aware of Ritual Monsters, even though they do not come from the Extra Deck. However, I have never seen or heard of Link Monsters." She told him. Ai didn't know a thing about Pendulum Monsters, but he was familiar with the others.

"I thought so. Well, I just might show you as the Duel goes on. You're free to continue your turn now." Ai said.

"Thank you. At this time, Bujintei Kagusuchi's Monster Effect activates! When it is Xyz Summoned, I can send the top five cards of my Deck to the Graveyard! For each "Bujin" card sent there this way, Kagusuchi gains 100 Attack Points!" Enna then took the top five cards from her Deck, and was pleased. "My top five cards are Advent of the Bujin, Bujinunity, Bujingi Sagusa, Fall of the Bujin, and Bujingi Tsumugari! This means my Xyz Monster is now 500 Attack Points stronger!" Enna confirmed as the Monster's flames bursted with power.

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