Chapter 64: Demon Arc - Part 2

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It was a bright sunny day in Heartland City. It's citizens were moving everywhere, going about their peaceful busy lives. The students and staff at Heartland Academy were also having a busy time, both in and out of the classroom. Today, it was the start of the weekend. After finishing classes for the week, certain clubs were going at it...

"Yeowch! Dammit, not again!" A dark skinned, green eyed male student with tentacle-like brown hair complained after being knocked down on his butt. He looked up at the guy he just sparred with. "Seriously dude, where did you learn moves like that?" Yuto chuckled as he helped his companion up.

"My lessons were kind of intense back home." He said. "You're not hurt are you, Alito?"

Yuto, Ruri, and Shun had been attending Heartland Academy for about a month now. Kazuma and Mirai didn't have too much difficulty in getting them enrolled. Shortly afterward, Yuto and Ruri each joined different clubs for the school.

Yuto joined the Boxing Club and quickly gained a reputation of being one of the best, despite being considered only a 2nd year student indicated by his green school uniform.

Alito, a 1st year student with a more red focused uniform, chuckled back. "Are ya kidding, Yuto? I hardly ever get hit like that! Don't worry about me." He then regained his fighting posture, his gloved hands up while bouncing up and down on his feet. "I can do this all day! Feeling like going another round yourself?" He challenged.

Yuto smiled as he too prepared to duke it out again. "Bring it!"

On the sidelines, Yuma, Shark, and several others were watching the sparing match.

"Yeah Yuto! Alito! Show everyone what you got!" Yuma, in his red school uniform, cheered for his two friends.

"Man, that Yuto is no pushover. I wouldn't want to mess with him." Said a teen boy with purple eyes and orange hair that spiked straight up. The boy, who wore a red uniform like Alito's, seemed amused from watching his pal's sparing.

"I could take him, Vector." A boy much larger than the other students said somewhat arrogantly. He had orange eyes, his hair in a green mohawk, and had a green thunderbolt marking on the top left-side of his head. Despite how old he appeared, he was only a 2nd year student like Yuto. "I'm a lot bigger and stronger than he is. One punch and he'll be out." Vector chuckled.

"Whatever you say, Girag." He said in a carefree tone.

"Those two seemed to be more interested in enjoying themselves rather than actually trying to prove who is superior." Said a blue-eyed boy wearing a 3rd year blue uniform with long blond hair, red marks on his face, and a long gold earring hanging on his left ear. "Though, I must admit Yuto may have a slight advantage over Alito."

"Both of them are not to be underestimated, Mizael." Said a glasses wearing, grey eyed boy with matching colored hair. Like Mizael, he also wore a blue uniform.

"No kidding, Durbe. They are strong, both at dueling and boxing." Shark commented, wearing his green school uniform.

Nobody noticed, but Shark had his D-Pad positioned so that a blue eyeball within it could see the boxing match. As much as he tried to protest how much of a bad idea it was, Earth insisted on accompanying Shark to school to learn the students' social interactions. Shark still advised him strongly that he should not be seen while in public, for which the Earth Ignis promised he would not reveal himself in front of others unless he was absolutely needed (which Shark prayed wouldn't happen). Hence, his keeping an "eye" on the bout between the two students.

During the match, Yuma took a quick look around, but he saw no sign of a certain individual. 'Where is Tetsuo at? He usually stops by to watch Yuto's boxing matches, but he hasn't been around lately.' Actually, he had started to notice a change in his friend's behavior recently. For the past couple of weeks, Tetsuo Takeda stopped hanging out with Yuma and the others after school. Every time Yuma tried to talk to him in between classes and lunch breaks, Tetsuo acted very distant and refused to speak to anyone. He just kept saying things like "Gotta go, can't chat." or "Don't want to be late for the next class." Yuma couldn't understand what had gotten into him. He asked Astral once on what to do about him, but the latter just said to give him his space and let him come to talk when or if he wants to. Yuma didn't like it, but he left Tetsuo alone to work out whatever his personal issues were.

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