Chapter 35: Kaiser Arc - Part 7

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Amon eyed everyone participating. "Alright. Looks to me like we got our matches set up. All that's left now is for all of us to enter our "new" arena. Echo... do it." Amon ordered his right hand woman. With a complying nod, Echo pressed the white button.

One by one, everyone was encompassed by the strange energy. At first, nothing but white could be seen all around. Then, after a moment, a new sight unfolded itself. What Judai and the others saw left them near speechless. "Where... are we?" Serena asked, stunned.

They were no longer in the main arena of Duel Academy. Instead, everyone stood on a massive rock that seemed to be floating through outer space. Everywhere they looked they saw various black points of light, like dark stars. Also, what seem to be white swirls could be seen everywhere. Nothing that resembled a planet could be seen in any direction. It almost felt like an empty universe. Judai and his friends were on one end of the rock, while Amon's team stood on the other. In the very center of that rock was a huge platform made up of dark white light, just like the dome that was created earlier.

The control center that powered up the doorway stood near the edge of the platform. There, Zweinstein and Misawa tried to figure out where they were. "This is absolutely unbelievable! According to these readings, the dimension we just crossed into has no life readings whatsoever!" Zweinstein informed everyone in compete astonishment. "In fact, the energy from those "dark stars" is very similar to antimatter! No other form of mass can be detected at all!"

"Uh, English please?" Grace asked, totally not getting it.

"To put it in simple terms, we are the only life forms present here... or anywhere in this world for that matter." Misawa translated, shocking his friends further.

"That's... kinda daunting." Masumi noted nervously.

"Amon! Where did you send all of us?" Judai demanded. Amon smiled.

"How interesting that you should be the one to ask that question, Judai. This place is known as..." The older Duelist held his arms out. "The Domain of Destruction."

"I really don't like the sound of that." Asuka said, dreading the meaning behind the name. Amon continued.

"It is here that we will duel to live... or die. Either way, Shido will reawaken once we have all the essential energy we need to make the serum."

"Amon, stop this! Please! If you truly want to save your brother, then find a way that doesn't involve taking the lives of others!" Sho begged. Amon glared at him.

"You think I haven't tried everything else? Do you honestly believe this was my first plan? I am doing what I must! Don't presume to know the position I'm in!" Sho flinched from Amon's retort. "Besides, it's too late. No one's leaving here until all the battles are settled... one way or another."

Gloria then stepped toward before the group. "Amon, I can understand what you're going through." Amon then turned to her.

"Do you?" He asked, his voice full of skepticism. Gloria locked eyes with him as she tried her piece.

"Not long ago, I was in a difficult situation where my younger sister, Grace, was in danger. I was willing to betray those I worked for to keep her safe. It is something I would do again in a heartbeat to protect her, even at the cost of my own life." She said as she glanced back at her sister.

"Gloria." Grace murmured. Amon didn't seem as touched by Gloria's words.

"Your point being?" He asked. Gloria looked back at him.

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