Chapter 32: Kaiser Arc - Part 4

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You've done great work, Asuka. You don't know how much help you've been since you came back." Emi told her new assistant. Asuka nodded back, smiling.

"Thanks, Ayukawa Sensei." She replied. During the time between her graduation and accepting her post in Duel Academy, Asuka had attended a North American Dueling collage. Although it had only been a few months, she had quickly kept up with her course work. Part of her education was to take on a semi teaching position to gain experience, hence her current job. Once Asuka got enough time and experience, it would really look good on her collage credits and on a full time job application.

"How does it feel, teaching rather then learning as a student?" Emi inquired. Asuka thought for a second before she replied.

"It's actually strange. I mean, I only graduated from here not long ago. I guess it feels... surreal. Also, although I'm not student here anymore, I still believe I have much more to learn." When Asuka started, she thought she might have a little trouble earning the trust and respect of the younger girl students in the dorm. Turns out, that wasn't the case at all. She had no trouble, seeing as she was the "Queen of Obelisk Blue" and the girls all seem to idolize her. She suspected she had some help from certain people (Rei and Serena come to mind at one point). Her supervisor nodded approvingly.

"Exactly what I hoped to hear." Asuka nodded back. Just then, her phone beeped and her heart leapt. It was Judai. Emi noticed and motioned her to take it. "You're finished for the day. Go take that call."

Asuka thanked her and walked out. Once in the hallway, Asuka picked up. "Hi Judai. What's up? You coming back for our next date?" What her boyfriend said made her stop walking. Her expression changed from happy and giddy... to shock. And then, very sad. She lowered her head and tried, and failing, to hold back the tears. 'It's finally happened.' "No. Just yesterday? Oh no. What about Sho? How is he?" She asked, her voice trembling.

It was just then that Tyranno Kenzan headed her way. He was about to ask Asuka how her day was when he saw the look on her face while on the phone. It was not a good sign. After Asuka said goodbye and hung up, she looked up at Kenzan. "What's wrong?" He asked. Asuka's lips frowned deeply.

"That was Judai. He just told me that Ryo, our Ryo I mean, that he's..." She could not bring herself to say it. Kenzan's eyes widened, knowing what she was trying to tell him.

"He's gone." He said softly. Asuka nodded. They both stood there in silence, letting the news sinking in. "Damn. Sho must be really miserable right now."

"Judai said that Sho was definitely not well." Asuka told him.

"We should let the others know." Kenzan suggested.

"Manjome and Grace are having a date tonight, same with the other Ryo and Gloria. I don't want to ruin both their evenings with this news. Let's wait until tomorrow to tell them." Asuka said. Kenzan agreed.

"Good idea. What about Serena and Rei? I saw them heading outside not long ago. I think they were about to have a Duel." Asuka conceded that option.

"Okay, let's go. We can tell them after their Duel." With that, the pair walked away to meet the younger students.

Later that evening, Emi was in her room and had just finished a quiet meal when she heard someone knock on her door. "Come in." She called out. The door opened to reveal Chronos, much to her surprise. "Chronos? What brings you over here? Things going okay with that other Ryo?" She asked kindly as she walked over to meet him.

The Obelisk Blue boy's supervisor smiled pleasantly. "Oh, he's dandy. I'm here because there is some business I need to discuss with you... it's rather important."

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