Chapter 17: Kaiba Arc - Part 7

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He sat there, alone in the darkness. He was waiting... waiting to be set free. He had been there for hours, yet his patience didn't waver. He knew his time would come, and it would come soon. The one who put him here promised him that. All he needed to do was wait.

All was quiet for some time. Then, a moment ago, he heard a low booming noise and felt a slight shaking in the room he was in. He chuckled. He was told to expect an explosion shortly before his release.

He now knew it was almost time. As he sat, waiting for the door in front of him to be opened, he made a twisted smile. As he did, he held a tight grip on the axe on his lap. It had been so long since it last did it's work. Those kids on the other side have no idea of the nightmare that awaited them. When he was let out, he would enjoy every second of it.


After a few minutes, Yugi and the others fully recovered from their ordeal in Death T-1. "That robo alien was bad news. I hope we don't face something like that again." Yuya prayed.

"Me too." Serenity said as she and the others took off their vests but kept their laser guns. She much preferred Duels that were fun, not when it involved life or death.

"I think we can all agree on that. So where are we now?" Joey asked. She and the group took the time to take a proper look around. The new room was far smaller with three other doors and a large podium in the center. The door on the left had a guillotine painted on it. The right door showed a pair of knives, while the door directly ahead showed a big sword raised up high. The gang noticed that each symbol was painted dark red and had the appearance of dripping blood. The rest of the room also had two words painted everywhere the same way: "Die!" and "Chopped!"

All this sent a chill down everyone's spine. "Guys, I definitely don't like the look of this place." Tèa said, her voice quivering a bit.

"Did we just enter some kind of horror themed fun house?" Tristan asked.

"It sure looks that way." Yugi said, trying to not sound as afraid as he felt.

"I see you all manage to survive Death T-1. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. You guys did get out of worse than that before." Everyone nearly jumped when Noah spoke again.

"Cut the crap Noah! Not cool of you to keep info like poison filled cyber vests and mecha extraterrestrials to yourself!" Joey yelled angrily.

"What fun would that be if you knew everything beforehand?" Noah complained playfully.

"There's nothing fun about endangering people's lives for your amusement!" Yuya told him.

"It's fun for me. And it's only going to get better!" Noah said with a wicked chuckle.

"Sicko." Tristan muttered under his breath.

"Now then, I'm sure you've taken notice of your surroundings. This is Death T-2, where the next game will be much more lethal."

"I can tell." Yugi said as he gazed around again. Noah continued.

"As you can see, there are three other doors aside from the one you just came through. None of them lead the way out, so don't bother asking me."

"Wait, none of those doors are the exit?!" Tèa asked incredulously.

"Then how do we get out?" Serenity asked.

"Take a look at the podium before you." They all walked up to the wooden podium, which appeared to be blood stained (further creeping out the gang). At the top, there was a hole in the shape of a cross.

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