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DOCTOR STRANGE HAD ENOUGH. He created a portal to find him and wanted everything to return to normal. Doctor Strange was now at the top of the Statue, holding the relic, ready for this to end.

Peter noticed Doctor Strange holding the relic, making him land before him.

"Strange, wait, we're so close!" Peter yelled, catching the Avenger's attention and taking off his mask.

"Zip it!" Doctor Strange commanded, getting angrier and angrier by the minute. "I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours," Doctor Strange told the teenager while seeing two other Spider-Mans surround Peter. His face changed, not expecting this to happen.

"You went to the Grand Canyon?" Peter Two asked, eyeing Doctor Strange.

"He could have used your help," Peter Three remarked, backing up Peter.

"It's okay," Peter said, glancing toward the other versions of himself. "These are my friends. This is Peter Parker, Peter Parker. Spider-Man, Spider-Man. There me's from other universes," Peter introduced them to Doctor Strange while pointing to each one.

Doctor Strange closed his eyes and shook his head. "No."

"They're here to help," Peter voiced truthfully. "He's the wizard I was telling you about," he said, looking at Peter Two.

"Look, I am really impressed that you've managed to give them all a second chance, kid." Doctor Strange breathed, unable to grasp how bad this had gotten out of hand. "But this has to end. Now," he confirmed.

"Can the Spider-Man come out to play?" Green Goblin announced from his glider flying in to join the fight. He was able to grab the box from Doctor Strange quickly.

Doctor Octavius saw this happening and quickly used one of his metal arms to stop him from leaving.

Morgan watched this happen and turned to MJ and Ned, knowing they weren't safe yet. She knew the Green Goblin was dangerous; Morgan couldn't allow a repeat of what happened to Aunt May to happen again. "You guys' got to get out of here."

MJ and Ned, without protesting, agreed with Young Stark. They started to run through the construction of the Statue of Liberty to get to the ground.

Doctor Strange threw a rope toward the relic in the Green Goblin's hands and got the relic back into his hands.

The Green Goblin started to smile and turned his glider around quickly to cut off one of Doctor Octavius' metal arms. He took this opportunity to fly away, knowing what would happen next.

All the Spider-Man's watched the bomb inside the relic and realized it was too late.

"Strange! No!" Peter yelled, seeing Doctor Strange start to open the relic to send them home.

The bomb exploded inside the relic, causing the spell to break out, shaking the entire Statue of Liberty.

Morgan started to lose footing while running, trying to make MJ and Ned go somewhere safe. She turned around to make sure they were okay before having a beam hit her head, making her slam to the ground unconscious.

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