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"YOU HAD MIT HOODIES IN YOUR bag, even though the safeties and backup failed? What were you thinking?" Pepper asked while sitting on Morgan's bed

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"YOU HAD MIT HOODIES IN YOUR bag, even though the safeties and backup failed? What were you thinking?" Pepper asked while sitting on Morgan's bed.

Morgan placed her head in her hands as she faced her closet. "I thought they had a shot, mom. Everything on paper is what MIT was looking for. Peter even got a higher ACT score than me."

"Not your SAT?"

Morgan shook her head as she turned to face her mom, "I beat him in that, but still, I thought he had a shot of getting in." She turned towards her closet and softly smiled, seeing what she was looking for.

It's her suit.

She blinked at it as if she was put into a trance. Morgan loved her suit, and it meant a lot to her. The last time she wore it, she was in London with Peter, and it was the day that they both confessed to each other.

"So what now? Is he going to a Community College here while you go to Boston?"

Morgan cleared her throat, taking her eyes off of her suit. "He's talking to Admissions right now," she said, pausing before glancing towards Pepper. "I'm trying this on."

Pepper sighed and reached to turn on the TV while Morgan went to the bathroom that was attached to her room. "I don't get it, Morgan," Pepper spoke up while clicking from channel to channel.

"Don't get what?" Morgan asked through the door.

"I don't get why you aren't helping Peter right now."

Morgan stopped putting on her gloves and hesitated to tell her mom what happened at Doctor Strange's sanctum. "Well, I already had plans, remember? We were going to have a girl's day."

"You could have canceled our plans to help him."

Morgan came out of the bathroom with her suit. "Mom, what am I supposed to do? Bribe Admissions into letting Peter go into MIT?"

"No, because that's illegal," Pepper said, leaving the TV on some random cooking channel. "What I mean is you have to be there for him more. He visited you multiple times throughout your fall semester of college, and you only visited home four times," Pepper said, standing up to face her daughter. "Yes, I'm also included that time when you went to WestView, saw Doctor Strange, and didn't even say hello to your boyfriend, who was only a few stations away."

Morgan let Pepper's words sink in, making her feel guilt start to rise in her chest. She didn't want Peter to feel alone. That's the last thing she wanted to do to him. Morgan didn't realize how things changed when she went to college and how it was mainly her who changed, not for the better.

Pepper placed her hands on her shoulders, "Honey, I love you with all my heart. But you are in a world where your life changes in a second, and you don't know how long you have with the people you love."

Morgan swallowed the lump in her throat before Pepper continued, "Please, go to Peter."

Morgan nodded at Pepper's words. "Okay, let me just take this off," Morgan said while looking down at her suit. She grabbed her phone and started to head towards the bathroom before Morgan saw a ring of gold surround her.

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